"You said you were a lost boy at one point right Jack?" She asked me in a serious tone. I nodded quickly.

"Then tell me. Has Pan tried to make him a lost boy?" She asked. I nodded again. Alex's closed her eyes for a moment and sighed. I heard Tink in the background curse under her breathe. Emma realizing what was going started to say things about how Henry was a strong kid and that he would never lose hope but Alex just cut her short by holding up her hand.

"If it is true that Pan has tried to turn your son into a lost boy then the chance of saving him is very small, but not impossible. It always depends on how long he was there and where his real loyalties are." Alex informed the group. I saw Emma look slightly worried but Charming spoke next.

"So we can still save Henry then?" Alex nodded.

"I guess we are going to have to do this a different way now." Alex muttered annoyed.

"What's the plan?" Jill asked looking around. She seemed quite before but now hearing about a plan interested Jill, surprises there. Alex looked down for a moment then shook her head to herself and looked up at me.

"How is the camp set up?" She asked. I explained the basics of how the target trees were in one corner, the camp tree was on the opposite side, fire pit in the middle and weapon spot was next to the big tree to the upper right corner.

"What's on the upper left corner?" She asked as she grabbed a stick and drew a square box and started drawing the map.

"Well normally that's where Henry sits before he started dancing to the pipe. Otherwise it's just a blank spot on camp." I replied. Alex stopped what she was doing and looked up at me with horror.

"He can hear the music now?" She asked in a low tone. Emma and Regina looked at each other slightly confused at Alex's reaction. I just nodded. Alex shook her head.

"Well then that boy is screwed. No way can we save him now." She replied throwing the stick in the bushes by where she sat.

At her words the whole group burst out in loud voices that all had a resounding NO to the idea of abandoning Henry. Alex took one look at the explosion of angry conversations and then stood up and yelled.


Everyone went quiet and glared at Alex.

"Thank you." She replied, lowering her voice. "For a moment I actually thought you wanted to give Pan our whereabouts."

Under Regina's breathe she muttered "Like you did not just do that." Alex glared at her and walked over to her.

"Who are you supposed to be exactly?" Alex asked. Regina looked taken back by the blunt question but she straightened up and answered.

'I am Henry's mother." She replied in a proud voice. Alex looked at her with big eyes and looked at Emma for a moment and then back at Regina, and then back at Emma.

Militant (Sequel to Warrior)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα