I layed at the bed. God damn am I laying beside Jimin right now? That freaky girl will kill me if she knows! What was her name? Oh right Hyuna.

"She won't touch you! I'm always here to protect you, also go to sleep, and she isn't my girlfriend!" He said from the other side of the bed.

Oh right he can read my mind. So if I get a crush or something he will be the first one to know Does that mean he knows I broke up with my boyfriend? Aish that jerk! I hate him! Why did he cheat? He could've just said he doesn't like me. Such a playboy!

"I wanna sleep please sleep and stop thinking about your ex. Also no I didn't know, I just got to know now and yes he is a jerk. Now sleep!" He said again.

"Stop reading my mind if you want to sleep!"

"Your thoughts just keep on popping in my head. Are you doing that? I thought you were human! Seriously stop! Think for yourself!" He said annoyed.

"I'm a human and I'm not controlling it. It's maybe the bracelet or it's your jamless head." I said.

"Excuse me? I can just kick you out of my house right now!"

"Like you dare!"

If he kicks me out I'm fucked up! That boy is no joke, he can kick me out if he wants. He is so heartless!

"I won't kick you out, and I'm not heartless!"

"I didn't say that!"

"You thought that. Go to sleep!" I tried going to sleep and succeed.


I woke up feeling something warm around me. I opened my eyes and saw the pillow wall destroyed, Jimin's arm on my waist and his leg on my legs. He was too close to me and I couldn't even move. He was still asleep so I just tried to sleep back or act like I was asleep.

After a moment, I felt him starting to move and wake up. I quickly acted as if I was asleep. I felt him sit up. 

"You're so cute when you're asleep!" He whispered for himself.

Did he just call me cute? I'm not cute!

"Shit!" He cursed for himself. "I know you're awake, stop faking it. I'm going!" He got off the bed and went into the bathroom.

Omg he called me cute! Am I imagining?

I then heard a voice in my head and it was of course Jimin.

"Stop thinking about it! It slipped from my mouth"

Slipped from his mouth? How is that possible if he wasn't thinking that? Also he probably didnt mean it. Like no way he has feelings for me! Or even thinks I'm cute. I look like a potato!

I just waited for him to get out of the bathroom and went after him then we got down to study again. Today was a saturday so we had no school, thank god.

We did work on our project a little, but it was still awkward from tonight and yesterday. I hope he is trustworthy and doesn't hurt me.

Jimin was writing something down when he he stopped writing. "Seriously Ellie? Are you still scared of me?" He looked at me in disbelief.

"No!" I said. I'm not scared but he can lie, he is a demon after all and did drink my blood.

"It was an accident!"

"Stop reading my mind!"

"I can't!" It got silent.

"When we are done with the project, don't talk to me unless it is for school!" I said.

"I won't! Like I would go up to someone like you!"

"So you just became like that suddenly?" I asked.

"Well, you said you don't want to talk to me. Do you think we are in a movie and I'll beg you to talk with me?"

"No! But I can be like that cause you bit me. You are a monster!" I blurted out.

He stayed silent then looked down. I looked at him and I immediately regretted what I said.

A small water looking drop went down from his face, directly to the ground and I heard a sniff.

My eyes widened and I went up to him. "I'm so sorry!" I said and put my arm on his back rubbing it gently. He got away from me.

"Don't touch me!" He said still softly crying. I hate seeing him like this! "You just said that you won't talk to me unless it is for school. Then go! Don't talk to me!" He said with a heartbreaking voice.



I walked out from the house without saying a thing.

I just broke my protector's heart.

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