phone calls, duty calls

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It's been a few days since Awsten and I have been "officially" together. We haven't talked about telling anyone. Not that we were trying to hide anything, it just never came up in conversation. It wouldn't surprise me if Gracie and Allyson have put together the pieces, considering we aren't trying to hide it, but we've spent the last few days Getting along with them. Currently, Awsten and I remain in his room cuddled against eachother, watching the office, while Gracie and Allyson are in the next room, the living room doing whatever. They seem to be really close. His parents were home for the past two days that I've been here, as well. His mom is making dinner.

"So, that's the end of the fourth season. Do you want to continue watching The Office? We can watch something else if you want",he turns toward his nightstand and grabs the remote, while keeping his other arm around me.

"It doesn't matter. It's your room, your tv. I'll watch whatever. As long as I stay here with you, everything is right with the world",I smile.

He smiles back, satisfied with my answer. He presses the okay button to tell Netflix that we were still watching the office. After about three episodes, I nod off into a half-asleep mind, but still grasping to stay awake.

"It's okay to sleep. If anything, we'll save you a plate of the lasagna mom made for you. If you're tired, you need rest",Awsten whispers into my ear as he notices me drifting.

"But I wanna continue to watch The Office. It's not even that late",I admit.

"Uhm, actually, it's around 6:30 at night, which means it's getting to be late."

I lose count of the short time it takes for me to be asleep, but as I do, I can't help but to smile at the comfort that is Awsten's arms wrapped around me.

The loud ringing of a phone drags my eyes open as I hear Awsten cursing his phone to be quiet. I didn't realize his absence on his bed until the moon shine the slightest sliver of light through the window, showing a silhouette of him standing trying to get his phone to be quiet. I remain silent as I let this happen, still trying to wrap myself tighter in the blanket he must've provided after I fell asleep. 

"I'm so sorry. (Y/n/n), please don't wake up. I really don't want to wake you",he claims, finally being able to not to cuss this time, his phone finally stop ringing.

Apart of me wondered what time it was, but another blocked that part out and was in awe of how sweet this man is. My eyes follow the almost completely dark silhouette of Awsten to the door, where he walks out and leaves the door slightly open. His light foot steps carry out to the living room where I here him and another voice whispers before his.

"Oh, that was your phone? I thought that was the sound of the rapture coming to take us all",Allison's whisper turns to a soft laugh.

"Oh, yeah. It was just my record label calling. I had to step out of the room so I would wake (y/n). She's so peaceful when she sleeps. And I thought she couldn't get anymore beautiful, but-", Awsten's cut off.

I couldn't help but smile. Of course it was a bit of a lazy smile, since I just woke up and tired. It still meant the same as a "normal" smile. They both mean I'm truly happy. Being with Awsten was like a dream and I didn't want it to end. That's something I feared; this dream coming to an end.

"Yeah, yeah. You love her. We get it. Haven't you asked her to be- I don't know- you're girlfriend, yet?", I couldn't tell if she was joking or being serious. Maybe she did know.

After that, all went silent again, except the sound of the door opening and then closing, assumably the front door. Considering he was so thoughtful of others, it had to be the front door so he don't wake anyone. I slowly drift back into my mind through the silence of the house. It was blank, yet it is going crazy with thoughts, hence me being half asleep, as said before. Shortly after what I believe is a thirty minute phone call, give or take, he slips through the crack in the door and returns back to his place next to me, getting under his covers. It doesn't take long for him to notice my eyes were open, showing him I am awake.

"Did I wake you? I didn't mean to",he apologizes.

"It's fine. I was starting to naturally wake in the middle of the night. Turns out, generic iPhone ringtones is the best loudest noise to wake up to",I whisper, letting out a quiet laugh.

"Sorry about that", he starts, coming to a realization I may have heard something I wasn't supposed to, "wait... You've been awake that long?"

"Yep",I smile, forgetting he probably couldn't see it considering I was facing opposite of the light source from the sky, only highlighting his features, mostly his face and the stubble that had grew over the last two days.

"What all did you hear?",he asks, genuine curiosity flowing from his every word.

"Well, I woke up to the cursing your phone to not wake me- by the way, that failed- uhm, you were telling Allyson how beautiful I was and she asked why you haven't asked me out yet",I confess truthfully.

"Okay, but you are beautiful. I'm not going to deny that, but if you saw the way she sassy flipped her stupid dirty blonde hair, you would've caught me smiling and shaking my head at her as well", he breathes, "but about the cussing, I'm sorry you had to wake to that."

"It's fine. What did the label say?"

"Oh, not much. But they'd like me to be in L.A. as soon as possible to plan all the EU/ UK part of tour. Honestly, I don't want to just make things official between us then leave, but at the same time I'm so excited for this tour", through his words, you could tell he caught himself in a dilemma.

I knew what I signed up for when I said I yes. I did expect this. I've accepted it. However, it doesn't take the hurt of distance away, but it's his job and he's so passionate about it. I'd hate myself if I prevented him from doing that.

"Go. I'll be fine. We'll be fine. When do you have to go to L.A.?", I try to be encouraging, but hopeful.

"By the end of this week", his voice almost sounds as if he's disappointed, but tries to lighten the mood anyway, "but on a different note, don't go outside around two in the morning. It's freezing."

We both laughed as quietly as possible as he rewraps his arms around me. My head lay on his chest, being able to hear his heart beat as we remained close. My mind focuses on on the calming voice that is whispering. Whether it was to Awsten himself or me, was another story. It could've been for both.

"Everything will work out fine"

Maybe it would.

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