miss Los angeles

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"Vic, can you please watch her. I gotta get ready to leave and go to the airport, I'm supposed to be there by nine",I ask Victoria, but the baby clinged close to me.

"Wanna go to Vicky?",I ask her in a baby voice.

She shook her head. I pointed to my twin sister and Mia looked at her and then at me then back at her, then at me again before crawling her way on the couch to Vicky.

"Please?",I beg.

"Sure, but only while you shower, seems like she wants to be your responsibility",she giggles.

I do just that, shower, get dressed and right as on cue, I had Mia in my room. She just hung out on the bed, distracting me every few minutes. I take things out of her hand and put them in my suitcase. After I got done packing, I left Mia wailing for me, as I try to tell her bye and walk out the door.

"Just take her with you.",Miranda raised her voice. She didn't do that often, she was quite shy, and reserved person, but she like dying her hair and wearing colorful outfits. She has a girl friend, but they broke up a few weeks ago. She enjoyed creative things,which was to be expected.

"Maybe I can afford another ticket or something."

I pick up Mia and place her on my hip, wheeling my suitcase close behind. We get in my car and drive to the airport, me streaming Fandom on Spotify, having premium was just a plus. Dream Boy came on,Mia, who was I the back of the car in her seat, started to bop her head up and down and swing her short little one year old legs. It was the cutest thing. I had to keep my eyes on the road. Vicky was asleep in the passenger side, but she came just to take the car back to the house.

"Vic, wake up, we're here. Do I need to call someone to come get the car so you don't fall asleep at the wheel?"

"No, it's fine, just get Mia and go, I'll be okay."

I hop out of the driver's seat and go around to get the sleeping Mia, who fell asleep after hearing Never Bloom Again, and place her on my hip once more. Hopefully, she'll gain wait and become healthier at my place. I grab my luggage, just like when I was leaving the house an hour or so ago. I take the time, waiting in line to get a ticket, to text Awsten.

Me: hey, when you gonna be in la? Any time soon??

He doesn't text back immediately. I slide my phone back into my pocket. A few minutes later, it is my turn to get to the register lady.

"Um, one ticket and one for a baby."

"Ma'am, what flight are you needing this for?"

"Uh, closest flight to LA",I respond.

"Birthday, name and payment please",she commanded.

I handed her my ID and offered a smile. She entered my information and we got our plane tickets. Not much longer, but some rushing later, we were able to get on the plane. Mia, still somehow asleep, stayed in my lap, and I placed my ear buds in my ears and did the same thing. However, my efforts of sleeping were interupted when Telephone started to play after the fifteen second jam that is Group Chat. My eyes were not going to open, but I was awake, humming Awsten's words.

"I'd like to know your middle name. Let's talk about your parents and you future dreams",I hummed along.

I naturally kept playing the song on repeat for the rest of the flight. Whoever Awsten wrote it about, must be a very lucky person. I couldn't stop listening to the cheerful song. Eventually, my eyes couldn't possibly stay open anylonger, I fell into a peaceful sleep.

I wake to a soft Pat on my arm with a mumbling gibberish. I open my eyes to reveal a very awake Mia.

"What is it?",I ask.

She didn't gibber a word, just pointed outside. I'm kinda worried about that, shouldn't a child be speaking at that age? Or what if trauma of being abandoned is affect it? Can it affect it?

"Is it pretty out there?",I smile wide.

Her face turned to a scared expression when I mentioned it being pretty.

"Do you not like the sound of turbulence?", I ask, knowing the plane is about to land.

She nodded her head in confirmation.

"It will be okay, we got a few more minutes here and we'll be off of here",I tell her as I pull her closer to my body.

She is already in my lap, but I pulled her closer into a hug for comfort. Surely enough, it worked, she stayed calm while landing and we got off with our luggage. That reminds me. I probably need to go to Walmart or Target or something and get her some clothes, because she only has on what she arrived at the house in. It was clean, mom washed it while she took a bath and ran around in her diaper. It consisted of a baby yellow top that is sorta long, with a duck on it, and a pair of black tights that have yellow bows attached at the ankle. It really complimented her green eyes. A pair of pink baby converse were paired with the outfit.

I turn my phone off air plane mode as we exit the airport. I stand at my car that was left trying to get the data to work. Frustrated, I place the phone in the console and swing the door shut, to focus my attention on the baby on my hip.

After getting everything and everyone situated, we went back to my place and got some cleaning done and went back out because I didn't want to cook and we had to get Mia some clothes.

It wasn't til dark when Awsten replied.

Awsten: oh, hey, sorry it took so long to respond.
Awsten: I'll actually be in la in about a week, I think.
Awsten: I'm usually on time and know things, but lately my mind has been fucked I geuss.

Me: that's fine. I back in la already, I was really wanting an adult to talk to but it's fine.

My Dream Boy (Awsten Knight) {|Completed|} Read Description Where stories live. Discover now