watch what happens next

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This chapter is just a thank you for 10k reads. That's so amazing. Thank you!! (No spoilers but it's about time this chapter happened lol)

A: HEY!!!!

You: what!!!

A: what's up?

You: not much. Bored and there's people over

A: want me to come pick you up? I will.

You: sure. Don't make it obvious 😉

Minutes later:

A: here.


It had been a few days since Awsten and I actually hung out just the two of us. I was hoping today could change that. There was a new milkshake place that came up not long before we got off tour. I hurry out the back door, so I don't interupt the conversation in the living room, and around the house to Awsten's car.

"So, what's going on?",he asks.

"Oh. Some people are here looking to adopt one of the foster kids. Miranda specifically. Not to be rude, but I don't want to here all that serious talk right now",I admit, getting in the vehicle.

"Wow. Imagine, that's gonna be you in a few months",he hesitates mid-sentence.

It had left my mind that I would have custody for Mia, what would happen between Awsten and I? I hadn't thought about it. Would he still want to be with me. We've came this far in such a short time.

I must have stayed quiet too long because Awsten's hand grips mine with a gentle reassuring squeeze, "it's going to be okay. You'll win this custody battle because her -relative not to be named- is a huge piece of shit."

I hadn't realize how long we'd been driving,until we came to a stop in the parking lot. It was a short distance to the burger place, but I'd zoned out I geuss. We get out the car and into the restaurant. The sun shine brightly through the slivers in the blinds as we ate and continued talking.

After we ate, Awsten took us to the park, just for a walk. Which,is where we ended up during sun set: the park. It had been mid after noon when he first picked me up after all.

"So, not to be cheesy, but what is o. Your mind right now?",he asked, looking down to assumably hide the blush on his face, but I already saw it.

"A lot."

"Wanna talk about it?",he offers.

"Nah. I'll survive",I say right before I sip the last of my Oreo milkshake through the straw, "so, what about your day?"

"Not much. Allyson and Gracie are out at where ever they are. My mom and dad are at work. I was basically home alone, but over the past couple days, I got some great demos in order", he explains as he continues eating the last of his fries.

"That's nice. Am I gonna be able to listen?",I half-joke.

It was nice to see his face and not stare blankly at a headache inducing white wall. Sometimes, I wonder what runs through his head. It's sometimes difficult. Maybe that'd give me insight as to why he's smiling so much today.

"What?",I ask as he smiles at me, just now realizing we were staring at eachother.

"Nothing. You're just really cute."

I subconsciously lean my head down, trying to hide the blush that had appeared on my cheeks. This guy really knows how to get my heart going.

"What? You fucking are. More so than me", he pauses as he continues to smile, "that's saying a lot because I'm also really cute."

"Thank you Awsten."

"No problem. You wanna get outta here? Maybe go for a ride somewhere?",he asks, gesturing to the door and looking at the bill the waiter just handed him.

"Sure. Where to?"

"I don't care as long as your there?",he blushes, getting out of the booth, offering me his hand immediately after.

After paying, we head out to his car and get in. He opens my door with a toothy smile, then went around to his and did the same. His smile never faded the first few minutes. We lock eyes, his smile contagiously spread to mine as he turned the key in the ignition. We were off.

"So, where are we going?",I ask as I notice the sun going down, realizing we've been driving for a little over two hours.

"Honestly I don't really know. I'm just driving. Do you want to go somewhere, I don't mind stopping", he offers, his eyes switching between me and the road.

"No. It's fine. I actually don't mind it. Just you and me and just taking is so nice."

"I like this too. It's really more peaceful than what the past few days have been",he claims.

"True",I say, readjusting in the passenger seat to rest my head on the head rest like it was a pillow.

The sunset was hitting Awsten's face as he drove, making his feature glow from the light. Something about the lighting and just talking, just the two of us, really had a way of making my heart melt. It was so much better than staying at my chaotic place, which I'll probably stay at for another month or so until I move again. I may sound clingy, but the past two days I've really missed it just being the two of us.

"So, do you have any plans for the new year?",he asks, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Uhm. Not really. Probably gonna hang out in my room alone",I admit.

An hour or so, I find the sun already sunk and Awsten parked on top of a hill. I must've fell asleep. From the height we are parked at we had a clear view of our hometown. All the lights glistened like stars, but closer to the ground. The stars above us, also glistened, lighting up the place. I look over to Awsten, where he'd be in the driver's to seat, only to find him not there. My eyes wonder to the hood of the car to find him laying on the hood, his foot moving as if there were silent music he only he could hear. I find my way out of the car and prop myself up next him.

"Hey. Sleep well?",he breaks the silence of the night.

I nod in response, still a little tired.

"That's good. I didn't want to wake you up, so I came out here to enjoy some fresh air",he tries to start a conversation.

"Mhm",I hum as I lean up against him, he puts him arm around me to hold me, "how are you tonight? Now the sun has fallen and all",I giggle.

"You're here, so I'm fantastic",he smiles.

"Wanna know something?",I ask.


"You've made the past few weeks so much more bearable. Through all the hate on social media, which has calmed down, and the chaos that is my family during the holidays, or the Mia situation, knowing I could always talk to you or hang out with you, ready made it more easy to deal with",I confess.

"Glad to be of help. I'll always be here if needed, which I hope is forever because to be honest, a life with out you in it, would be hell",he retaliates.

"Awe. Thank you Awsten",I tell him.

"Nope. Not done. I got a lot more cute sappy things left to say",he pauses, "as I was saying, a life without would be hell. I know we haven't known eachother that long and I may not know everything there is to know about romance shit or about you, just what you tell me, and no one hardly ever wants to be with a "rock star" because they're always on the move, but I am willing to try it again. I guess", he continues to ramble, "I geuss what I'm really asking here is... will you be my girlfriend, like officially?"

My Dream Boy (Awsten Knight) {|Completed|} Read Description Where stories live. Discover now