Chapter 13

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Astronomical Night!

The space week had started now. Every year, there was this particular week in the middle of march and I enjoyed this activity very much because I was fascinated by the universe. We often think that we are so important for the world and that our absence would change everything but the truth is, we are nothing more than a sand particle in an isolated desert in the vastness of this universe. Even, the earth is nothing in front of the other universal objects. Humans come much much later.

We had this huge telescope in the school's library. We saw and studied about other planets, discussing the possibilities of life there. I wonder if life could actually exist somewhere else, I would be the first one to flee.
Today, it was astronomical night and theme dinner was being held. Some students decided to go with Instellar theme whereas I simple followed Space. I wore a shiny maxi dress and complimented the look with silver glittery makeup to give a thematic look. Pulling up my hair in a hairdo, I sprinkled some glitter in my hair as well and put on the heels. I was ready to go. Ishika got ready as well and waited for her date to the dinner. Apparently, Vivaan had finally got the courage to ask her out. I was simply third wheeling them because I didn't want to feel like a loner. Soon, Vivaan arrived in a black car. He was dressed as Cooper from Interstellar and he looked really good. He escorted Ishika to the car and opened the front door for her. Adoring them, I helped myself to the backseat and pretended that I wasn't there so that they wouldn't feel awkward but these two were on some next level shit. Vivaan just kept stealing glances at her while driving and Ishika kept shying away. I rolled my eyes and killed the silence finally because these two were not ready to talk anytime soon. Finally, we reached the venue and the awkward ride came to an end. I jumped out at first opportunity and walked inside the hall. The hall was decorated beautifully. The ceiling was made of glass and gave a clear view of the sky for stargazing. Everything was glittery and shiny. There were huge plasma screens with documentaries playing. I noticed Steve and Krystal at the other corner and waved at them awkwardly. Sam and Tom were having a proper date and it only meant that I was the only sore loser loner out here. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Startled, I turned around only to find that dumbass grinning at me like a proper idiot.

"Thank God, you're here. I was planning to leave at this point."

"You were waiting for me, Cupcake?" He asked slyly as he stroked my cheek.

"In your dreams."

"Yeah. You're right. In my dreams. I have very vivid dreams of you though. I can narrate as well if you like." He smirked.

"No thanks." I made a face at him.

"By the way, too many couples here. I am getting an allergic reaction now." He coughed.

"I know, right! I am on the verge of throwing up." I agreed with him.

"Let's go outside?" He suggested and that was when I took a proper look at him. He was wearing a black tuxedo with a bowtie and dare I say that he looked absolutely gorgeous in that. The white shirt beneath hugged his chiseled chest perfectly making his muscles stand out. His hair was set up neatly and not too gelled. His eyes were sparkling under the lights and he looked really really handsome. He stood out among the crowd today.

"Girl, your crush is getting obvious. You've been staring for too long now." Ishika whispered past me as I woke up from my trance.

"Got lost in my dreamy eyes? Did ya?" He asked cheekily.

"Oh yeah." I face palmed myself immediately after speaking. He chuckled at my reaction.

Was I really crushing on him now? 

Well, I liked him in a platonic way. He was caring, protective and fun to be around but I didn't know if I liked him in a romantic way. He wasn't that bad afterall. Plus, the cherry on cake was that he knew almost all my secrets now.

"Cupcakeeee!" He snapped his fingers in front of me.


"Should we go out or not?" He asked again.

"Yeah, sure." I mumbled.

"Is everything okay, cupcake?" He asked genuinely concerned.

"Yes, thankyou!" I smiled at him.

"Keep it with you." He waved it off.

We reached the well lit garden and had our dessert. We sat on the bench under the stars and talked to each other. It was genuine. No teasing, no pulling legs. Just two people, relishing the moment.

"I've something to say." He spoke after an episode of silence and staring at the sky.


"Cupcake." He said and I turned to face him, eagerly waiting for what he had to say.

"Oh wow, now you like your name."

"I don't!" I snapped at him and he chuckled.

"Well, the thing is. You remember that night at the apartment?" He started awkwardly.

"Which night?" I asked confused.

"The rainy night." He added and I immediately grew red.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"You sure?" He asked.

"Positive." I replied confidently.

"As you wish then. But I gotta say, you look beautiful tonight. I have never seen you dress up like this before and you look so lively."

"Thanks, I guess." I replied awkwardly. "You don't look bad yourself."

"Oh come on! I look the most handsome today." He replied cockily and I gave out a fake laugh.

"Sure Mister! I gotta go now." I waved back at him and turned around.

"Hey, cupcake!" He called from behind. I stopped in my tracks. "I just wanted to say that you might think that I was playing around the other night and that it didn't matter really. Well, I wasn't!"

I smiled and my cheeks grew red as I ran inside while he stood there, rubbing the back of his neck and smiling to himself.



Teri Meri Chemistry. 📚 ✔Where stories live. Discover now