The Night Before/Pre-Bloodbath

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A/N: Back to no indentation... Sadness...

Chapter Seven:

        "Tomorrow's the first day of the Games you know," says Parker.

        I had totally forgotten about it, my mind was too set on my best friend dying, "Do you know if we can see the other tributes now?" I ask, "We should prepare with them if we can."

        "I would think so, if they didn't want the tributes to see each other, you'd think they'd keep both tributes from the same District separated too. I'll ask Emberlynn when I find her."

        Parker walks off to find Emberlynn while I sat on the couch watching the later interviews. Apparently Samantha actually goes by Sam. That could be nice to know if I end up torturing her at some point. When he comes back, Emberlynn's following him.

        "I can get the escorts from Districts One and Four to bring their tributes to our floor, but not Three," she explains, "I'll do it now, in fact."

        While we're waiting for the others, we watch Prim's interview. The entire audience is crying for her, and I think she's going to end up with cans and cans of the most expensive medicine money can buy. It saddens me.

        Just then, I hear the elevator open up. Rosie and Jack enter, followed by Hunter and Stingra.

        "Are we planning for tomorrow?" Jack asks.

        "Yeah," I reply, "I think we need to figure out who's gonna be killed in the beginning, and also think of different environments we could be placed in."

        "Did any of you get the Build-Your-Own-Arena thing?" Rosie asks, "It was that popular toy that let you design your own Hunger Games."

        "I love Build-Your-Own-Arena!" I exclaim, "I had every extension and played with it all of the time! I even had the little set of tributes you could buy for only a limited time!"

        "Same!" replies Hunter, "But we need to think about what would happen in each arena. Like if we were in a frozen landscape, we would have to have a different plan than one for a desert."

"Exactly," I say, "I was thinking that no matter what sort of an arena we end up in, we should make the Cornucopia our camp."

        "Good idea," Stingra agrees, "it would be especially helpful in a cold climate."

        After we make plans for the arena, we decide who our first kills will be.

        "I think the Bloodbath will take out a lot of the tributes. They seem especially stupid and weak this year," I say, "It'll probably include Victoria, Rayn, Blaze, Karlie, Sam, Edward, Rayvenn, Bob, Asher, Alex, Cyrus, and maybe Prim, but I think she has enough sense to run away."

        Parker agrees, "They would be the obvious targets, but I think that if anyone strong comes to get supplies, they should be killed before them, so we don't have to worry about them later."

        "Also, I wouldn't be afraid to kill Tonya or Edison," suggests Hunter, "I really don't trust them. And I think that we should all agree not to kill Prim, and to let Aqua do it herself."

        "I agree," I say.

        "We'll just have to wait until tomorrow to see what happens," says Rosie, "until then, all we can do is hope that none of us are killed."

        We all agree, and everyone leaves except Parker and I.

        "See you tomorrow," I conclude.

        We both walk down to our individual rooms and try to sleep. I don't know if he's asleep, but I'm too excited to even close my eyes. Soon the world will see me killing children without mercy. As odd as it sounds, I can't wait.

        When I finally fall asleep, and wake up not long afterwards. I awake to Parker, already up, poking me in the shoulder.

        "Your stylist wanted me to wake you up. It's almost time to go to the arena."

        Today was the first day of the Hunger Games. The lack of sleep doesn't affect me, I'm too excited. When we enter our floor's main room, Emberlynn, Enobaria, Skittora, and Parker's stylist
waiting. As soon as we get there, Emberlynn and Enobaria say goodbye, and our stylists take us to the roof.

        When I look up at the clear blue sky, I see nothing there, but when I blink and open my eyes again, there's a hovercraft above my head. A ladder drops down, and Parker is loaded up first, then me.

        "This is your tracker," some lady says to me as she sticks a needle in my arm, "so we can see where you are in the arena."

        When she's placed the tracker, Parker and I each go into a separate room to eat breakfast. Once I finish the delicious food, I'm taken to a row of seats where a few other tributes are sitting. I'm placed next to Blaze and Sam, and Parker's across from me next to Constance and Rayn. We just sit there for almost an hour before we reach the arena, and at some point, the windows go black, so I know we've got to be close. Finally, everyone's released into the Catacombs, where we would change and be launched into the arena from.

        After I shower, Skittora dries my hair and dresses me. She puts me in brown cargo pants, hiking boots, a maroon shirt, (my District's color), and a maroon jacket, which gives me no idea of what the arena will hold. I drink a glass of water until I hear a voice saying that it was launch time.

        My heart is beating so hard I think it might explode. I'm much more nervous than I expected I would be.

        "It's time to get in the tube," Skittora tells me.

        I walk slowly into the glass tube, which closes around me. I wait a few seconds seeing nothing but black, until I rise above the ground and see the arena.

A/N: Please review and vote guys! I know you're hear, considering I have more than zero views. Please, give constructive criticism, or tell me it's awesome, whatever.

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