The Interviews

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        Chapter Six:

        As planned, I wake up early in preparation for my interview.  I don’t have much time to do this, as today is the interview day, but I don’t need much.  I know what I’m probably going to do, so as long as Skittora doesn’t make me look like a girl, I’m good. 

                Emberlynn gives me a few tips, “When anyone’s getting their interview, Caesar’s going to focus on three main things: Your home life, your training score, and what you think of the Capitol.  Also, if your Reaping was interesting enough, he’ll ask you about that.  That’s certainly the case with you, but make sure not to tell him you knew any of the others beforehand, except Parker.  The Capitol doesn’t need to know you’ve been illegally training with people from other Districts.  Same with you Parker,” she adds when he strolls in.

                Enobaria also tries to help, “And try to focus on a certain personality people should think of when they think of you.  For either of you, it could be that you’re bloodthirsty are ready to kill, or sarcastic, just pick something.  Also, Aqua, if Caesar mentions Cato, try to show a soft side, whether it’s real or not.  And also, don’t say that you’re going to try as hard as you can to kill Prim, everyone loves her and the only person you’ll impress will be President Snow, and I’m pretty sure he can’t sponsor you.”

                “And Parker,” Emberlynn chimes in, “try to find something in your life to focus on since nobody’s going to know anything about you.  And making up something isn’t a bad thing either.  Oh, it looks like it’s time to go to your prep team… Good luck to both of you!”

                As we’re walking to our prep teams, Parker must’ve noticed the worried look in my eyes, “You nervous?” he asks.

                “A little,” I answer, “I really hope Skittora doesn’t dress me up to much.  Also, do you think putting water on my hands that I can wipe on my face would look real?”

“Well if that’s all you’re worried about you’re gonna do fine, but about the water, it’s a good idea if you can make it work.  Are you gonna do it when Caesar asks about Cato?”

        It looks like my outfit’s going to be based on my Reaping Day outfit, since my prep team was drawing black swirly-looking flames up my arms and were also giving me black make-up.  I’d rather not have a lot of the things they were giving me anyways, but I guess they had to do something of the sort.  When they were finished with me, I looked in the mirror and saw my personality on my skin.  They left my hair the way I usually wear it, down, without doing anything to it.  I looked dark, and a bit evil, which I’m sure will change with my outfit. 

        Now that they were finished, I got to go to Skittora.  She looked extremely excited to give me my dress.

        “I’m sure you’ve been wondering what I’ve made for you, but don’t worry, I knew you wouldn’t want something girly, so I’m giving you something I know you’ll love!  Close your eyes and I’ll put you in the dress!”

        When she was dressing me, I could tell that the dress was short and frilly, which seemed like the opposite of what she was going for.  She also put me in a short-sleeved jacket and short boots that felt a lot like the ones I’d worn to the Capitol.

        Skittora squealed in delight, “You can open your eyes now!”

        I opened them slowly, hoping not to cringe when I could see clearly.  I certainly didn’t.  Skittora had made me a short frilly dress, as I thought, but the difference between what I was thinking and what I was thinking of was that this dress wasn’t sparkly and pink, it was bright teal, and the frills were actually ripped up, but in a way that makes me look dangerous, and that I’d been through tough times.  And the jacket was black leather, like something you would see a criminal in.  And the boots were exactly like the ones I had before, only these were newer looking, and had black spikes all over them.  It was amazing.

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