Prim's Day Six

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Chapter Twenty:

    "Wake up Prim, wake up! We need to go, now!" Sam is hurriedly whispering into my ear. I sit up, and find that the sun is completely up, and that I must've slept in too late. I don't know what Sam is stressing about, though. She has a frightened look in her eyes, so I must assume that it's not good news.

    "They're coming," she murmurs again, "we have to leave. Get your knife and come with me."

    Suddenly, I hear it. Approximately three people walking in the forest. It's the Careers. I don't have time to get adjusted to the light; I stand straight up, pick up my pathetic knife, and go after Sam, who is already running. She's ahead of me when I hear them speak.

    "GO!" one of them yells, and I'm pretty sure that it's Aqua. I sprint closer to Sam with a desperate need to get away. I finally am running side by side with her, but I realize that running away from your troubles gets you nowhere. I look to her, and she looks to me, and we spin around, facing the Careers. I see Aqua in the lead with Parker and Rosie close behind them. They don't stop running, so Sam holds up her bow, equipped with an arrow, and shoots at Aqua. I think that this might be her time to die, but I'm very disappointed with the results. Aqua swats away the arrow with the trident she is carrying. Yay. She has a weapon.

    I see Sam try to shoot again at Aqua, and I silently hope that she doesn't make her angrier, but at the last moment, she changes the path of the arrow and swerves it towards an unsuspecting Rosie. BANG! The arrow makes contact with her neck. Aqua looks surprised, but mostly she looks even hungrier for my blood. Sam and I take off again, but Sam gets her foot stuck under a root, and blunders to the side. Oh no.

    The boy from Two, Parker, grasps onto her jacket collar, and thrusts her small body to the ground. He proceeds to kill her with a weapon I'd never seen used in the Games before, hedge trimmers. He punctures her stomach open.

    "AHHHH!" she shrieks, but he doesn't stop. BANG! My only ally is dead, and I will probably die soon as well. I tear through the forest at a faster pace, but I'm no match for a bloodthirsty Career. Aqua grabs onto my shirt with a massive hand and pushes me down.

    I feel that I'm already dead. I'm not though, and I need to think of a way to get out of this. I do have the knife, and it doesn't seem like Aqua knows it. I need time to plan this through. But how? I have to think of something clever to say that will give me time to think, and I think I may know what it is.

    "Oh Prim, you may think that the Games are almost over, but I believe that they've only just begun," she threatens. I've never been more terrified in my life. I look over her shoulder to her District partner. Are they going to kill each other after I'm dead? I don't think she planned this out very well ahead of time. Or maybe I'm just missing some obvious fact.

    There is malevolence in her aqua-colored eyes. I can't say that I've ever seen someone so eager to kill. And she's probably never seen someone so ready to die.

A/N: Yeah sorry about the shortness and lateness and everything...and the quality of the writing (eek).  Keep reading to see what happens in the end and please vote and comment!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2015 ⏰

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