Prim's Day Five

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Chapter Nineteen:

Sam's asleep when the announcement sounds throughout the arena.

"There will be a feast at the Cornucopia today. It will commence in an hour. May the odds be ever in your favor."

Sam still has her eyes closed when she first speaks. "We aren't going," she mumbles.

This time, I didn't even want to. Yes, we are running out of food and water, but my sponsors can take care of that for me. We could also use some rope for traps as well. If we weren't going to kill anyone by force, we could at least use the rope to capture someone. Let's see... the only tributes left are Aqua, Parker, Edison and Rosie, the Careers, and also Chuck, Sam, and I. With the Careers camping at the Cornucopia, there isn't any chance for anyone to get their things and leave without dying or having to kill a few others. So I think that staying back would be a decent idea.

But at least with everyone fighting it out at the Cornucopia, there won't be anyone to come after us. I wonder if Chuck will go. Probably, he can actually fight. The only others are the Careers, so he has not shot of coming out alive. Unless one of the Careers left, but that would've been a terrible idea, and if I were them, I wouldn't want to face them again. It would be a suicide mission; the others would happily kill someone who betrayed them.

After Sam and I eat breakfast, the feast inaugurates. Close by, I hear someone running. I push Sam back behind a tree, and far from us I can see Chuck rushing towards the Cornucopia. I bet he thinks that if he gets there before anyone else, he could get his pack and get out. Too bad some people have been there for the entire Games. He does have an axe though, but I'm pretty sure that's no match for three or four Careers.

Sam and I creep back out. A few of minutes go by before a cannon sounds, but one does. BANG! I'd have to guess that it is for Chuck. At least he put up a fight. BANG! There's another one. Maybe Chuck killed someone, and then someone else killed him. Still, I'm sure he's dead by now. I hope we disappointed Aqua and the others by not going. They might not have expected us to actually come, but we probably frustrated them at least. Though the problem with that was that we made them hate us more, just what we need.

So now there are five alive and nineteen dead. I'm quite surprised I made it this far, really. I never imagined I would even end up in the top ten, much less the top five. I'm even more surprised that I've only seen one of the deaths so far. Some others have happened close by, but I didn't personally witness them, thankfully. Watching another person suffer would be the same as me suffering myself.

The feast may not have been as successful as planned though. The first sign telling me this was the sound of a strange animal nearby. Sam doesn't look like she's heard it, but I'm weary of it.

"Get your bow out, Sam," I quietly say.

"Why?" she questions.

"I think there's a mutt in the forest," I respond.

Sam listens closer, and her eyes widen. She not only takes out her bow, but also knocks an arrow in it. I have my knife wavering in my hand, turning around in circles and watching for the mutt. The first one leaps towards Sam. She releases her arrow, and the creature falls to the ground, dead. Examining it closer, I can see that it is a wolverine. I've never seen one before in real life, only in pictures, but this one looks much larger.

Sam and I let our guard down, thinking that there was only the one, but more swarm around us in a circular formation. Two try to attack at the same time, one going for me, and one going for Sam. Sam shoots her attacker, but my knife is helping me much. I stab at the wolverine mutt, but it still tries to get me. I scream, and the mutt knocks me over. It's towering over my face, but before it can kill me, Sam fires another arrow. The problem now is that the mutts think I'm weak, which I am, and they all attack us suddenly. There's a huge mass of furry beasts all over us, and I'm stabbing wildly at them, killing at least two and wounding many more in the process.

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