Chapter 4

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Obi-Wan slept in just a few minutes, trying to save his energy in case he was to be called back away to the war. He ate a good breakfast in the dining hall and decided to spend some time in the library. He was more than a little surprised to see Anakin waltz in, looking both nervous and determined. Obi-Wan had only read a few chapters of a text on one of the great battles from the old days. He was always glad to learn anything- especially how to better end the war they were in.

But, when his former apprentice came in, he gladly paused his studies, giving the lad his full attention. Whatever was on Anakin's mind had to be something of some importance. Obi-Wan had no idea what Skywalker was going to tell him, so they adjourned to Obi-Wan's chamber, one of the only places they could speak without anyone coming in and hearing them. "Is anything wrong, Anakin?"

The younger man looked as if he didn't quite know how to respond to that question. But finally, he nodded, "Well, the first part is just something I did- that could get me in trouble, and I felt I had to be honest and tell you."

Obi-Wan's heart sank a little lower. Whenever Anakin told him these things, it always made him feel a little uncomfortable since he was a master, and he was supposed to inform the council of certain things. Anakin was his best friend and former student- it was hard to be objective when it came to Skywalker... that much, he could admit without too much loss of pride... not that it mattered.

Kenobi knew that Anakin was waiting for some kind of response- permission to proceed most likely. He had to force himself to say, "What is it? I am here for you."

Anakin nodded. "Well, I'm not sure if this will be surprising or not but... I'm married- "

That's all?! Thank the Force it's not something bad. Obi-Wan couldn't help the slight grin that came over his face. "Anakin that is actually a relief. I knew you and Padmè were in love- I hoped you two weren't just fooling around."

Anakin tried to disguise a chuckle as a cough, but Obi-Wan knew that Anakin was a tad surprised that Obi-Wan was so calm about a secret he'd kept for three long years. "You're not at all angry?"

"Of course not. It's obvious you have feelings for her., and it's obvious she has feelings for you."

"Well then... now that you're aware of the permanence and official status I've obtained- there is actually something else on that note..."

Obi-Wan felt a jolt to his heart. Padmè is expecting... He didn't need to be told, but he waited to hear the news from Anakin's lips as if hearing it would make something change...

"I'm going to be a father... and some-time after the meeting at noon, I'll find out if it's a boy or girl..."

For a moment, even though Obi-Wan knew Skywalker wasn't a child, but instead having a child- Kenobi suddenly remembered the little boy he'd met thirteen years ago. Forgetting how much time had passed, Obi-Wan actually almost tousled the young man's hair... but refrained once he remembered the facts as they were, and that he was in the present now.

"Congratulations, Anakin. I know it will not be easy, but I WISH YOU AND Padme the best... you know that."

Anakin was again, a little shocked, but nodded. "Yes, I know."

Obi-Wan patted his friend on the shoulder. After a beat, he sensed there was something else Anakin wished to discuss.

"I feel there's something else you wish to mention, Anakin... Something is troubling you- aside from what you've already told me."

A shallow breath and then a nod of admission that his former master was right. "This is actually really hard for me to say because I think it'll either sound insane, or traitorous... but I can't keep it inside- and I psyched myself up to tell you..."

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