He tackled Jae down as a blaster bolt sizzled over them, drawing his open weapon he turned and rolled to return fire. It was her, one hand clutching at a freshly bloodied wound. Shojj must have stumbled upon her, his absence notable. Val hesitated before firing a suppressing shot that sent her diving into cover. The area's inhabitants scrambled up and into their ships as she reappeared, firing wildly at Val and Jae. The pair were well in cover now, hunkered behind the landing struts of a ship. Green energy bolts sizzled by as Val caught Jae's eye.

"Are you sure you want her alive?" Jae asked sarcastically. Val rolled his eyes and sighed, "Unfortunately, I need to ask her a few things." He said as an energy bolt struck just a few centimeters from his face, showering him with sparks. Jae sighed with frustration, "Never is simple with shinies." He said, rising and leveling his blaster. Jae laid down an incredible barrage of automatic fire that sent Aella back into hiding.

"Go and get her!" Jae yelled, slamming a new energy pack in and blazing away. Val leapt up as ordered, setting his blaster to stun as he ran. He flanked her from the left, catching a glimpse of her as Jae paused to reload again. He rounded the corner of the now-ruined cargo container she'd taken refuge behind only to dive right back behind the corner as she fired. "Wait! I just want to talk!" He yelled as she emptied the energy pack into the metal corner. When the clip ran dry, or so he chanced, he stepped out. The projectile struck him in the jaw, sending him reeling. As the spent blaster pistol struck the metal floor Val recovered enough of his senses to see Aella booking it for the Reward.

He jumped up after her shouting as he ran. "Wait! Please!" He managed, spitting blood from his mouth as he pursued. She was faster than him by a fair amount, but her wound soon caught up to her, causing her to slow as she clutched involuntarily at the damage. Val gained on her, leveling the blaster as she collapsed from the pain. "Aella!?" He said, hoping that hearing her name might calm her enough to speak. She glanced up at him with eyes narrowed, a vicious look of hatred on her face. There was a long and quiet moment as they considered their next actions.

He lowered the blaster, hoping she would hear him out. "I don't want to hurt you." He said, remaining still but alert, noting that she still carried her master's lightsaber. She didn't believe him, of course, but also made no move. "I just want to know why you were on Zyllovan." Val said, lowering his guard just a little. She looked confused, then the anger returned. "Don't do it!" He said, raising the blaster again as her hand moved for the saber, "I just want to talk." He reiterated.

A shot rang out, striking her from behind. Coils of blue-white energy struck her, sending her to the floor hard. Shojj stood behind her, nursing a few nasty looking cuts attesting to his previous encounter with the fugitive. Val sighed with frustration, then smiled at Shojj, "Well I suppose we'll have plenty of time to talk now." He said. Shojj was not so amused, "You owe me, Val Kidann." The Mirialan said, searching the woman and confiscating her weapon. Val used the force to wrench the lightsaber away, placing it on his belt in a fluid motion. Shojj was exceedingly unhappy with this gesture but said nothing.

"Yeeshaw Shojj! What happened to you?" Jae asked as he finally arrived on the scene, strolling casually. Shojj looked ready to shoot his boss, but looked away in what Val recognized as shame. "She got the jump on me bossman." He said in a hiss. Jae walked over to the younger man, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Happens to the best of us boyyo." He said chuckling. "Besides, this one is deceptive methinks." Jae said, leaning down to place restraints on her wrists.

Val agreed with Jae on that. When he'd first encountered her on Zyllovan she'd been the aggressor, well armed and armored with two allies. Now Val stood over a young woman, badly wounded but no less deadly had she been conscious. "You're telling me." Shojj said, wiping blood from his face, "I got a hit in on her wound, but she just got faster." He said with annoyance. Val smirked, knowing that there were techniques that force sensitives used to numb pain and enhance their abilities inversely. He wondered how even the fight was without that advantage. In some ways, using the force seemed to be no better than cheating.

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