Someone You Loved | Obi-Wan Kenobi ; part II

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It hadn't been long since you laid down before the sound of your door opening woke you from your sleep. A figure stood in the doorway, seeing it was Obi-Wan in his off white robes you adored. "We are about 10 minutes away from Tatooine, I figured you'd want to have time to get ready." He whispered, seeing Luke still asleep and certainly not wanting to wake him. You nodded as he did the same before stepping out of the room, letting you get ready in peace as you hopped out of bed. You gathered yourself together and pulled back your hair, boots back on and cloak clasped around your neck again as you approached the bassinet. You glanced at the clock on the wall, you had been asleep for about an hour and so had little Luke. You reached down and picked him up slowly, he wiggles around for a bit as you adjusted him in your arms but didn't wake up. You smiled, he was such a good baby.

You stepped out of your room and headed toward the cockpit first, knowing you hadn't landed yet from not feeling the ship jerk as it reached the ground. The halls were quiet as you stepped into the cockpit, Obi-Wan sitting in the pilot chair, hands gripped around the control wheel as he maneuvered the ship closer to the ground. Looking through the viewport as you sat down beside Obi-Wan, all you could see was sand for miles. A small dome shaped home was on the horizon, you had guessed that was where Luke was to grow up. The ship carefully landed on the orange colored sand below, barely feeling the ship jerking as the landing gear ejected to land. "You know, for someone who hates flying, you're pretty good at it." You joked with a smile, looking over at Obi-Wan as he gave a lopsided smile in return. Well, at least it was a smile.

He pushed a few more buttons before the ship no longer sported the hum of the engines, he must have turned them off. "We're here." Obi-Wan informed though it was obvious to you, watching him sigh rather loudly through his nose as he turned his chair to face you. You said nothing and instead watched as he got up from the chair, going over to a small closet in the cockpit and grabbing another dark brown cloak he usually wore. He swung the fabric over his shoulders and put his arms through the arm holes, meanwhile you had turned your chair and stood to walk over to the door beside Obi-Wan. He kept his hood down momentarily, pausing before opening the door to head to the storage hanger where the main entrance and exit of the ship was. Your gaze was fixed on Luke, wanting to memorize his adorable little face one last time before you went your separate ways. "It's not like we'll never see him again, we will. Just not up close." Obi-Wan tried to comfort you as one of his hands came to rest on your shoulder, you said nothing but smiled sadly and nodded as your reply. He nodded as well, the hand that was on your shoulder cupping your cheek for a split second before dropping and opening the door.

You followed closely behind him, his cloak billowing dramatically behind him as he made his way down the halls to the storage hanger. Your light blue silk cloak was doing the same, though not succeeding in being as dramatic as Obi-Wan's. The beautiful cloak had been a gift from Obi-Wan when he had just been Knighted, he had been maybe 17 at the time and you a year younger than him. He had wrapped it up as a gift and gave it to you after Qui-Gon had passed, saying he had meant to give it to you earlier but not getting the chance to. You remembered that day so perfectly, you had grinned from ear to ear as you pulled the silk material close to you, admiring its beauty as you gazed at Obi-Wan. You had set the cloak aside and jumped into his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck as you squeezed the life out of him. "This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, I'll cherish it forever." You mumbled into his cloak, voice muffled by your face buried in the crook of his neck as his arms tightened around your waist. "You're welcome." He had simply said, hands grazing your sides as your hands caressed his hair. That had been your first real affection you had ever shared with him, since then it had been longing glances and grazing of hands, shoulder touches and maybe a hug or two.

You had both reached the main door in no time, watching as Obi-Wan pushed a button to open the door and let the ramp descend to connect with the sand below. Obi-Wan pulled his cloak a little tighter around him as the wind blew the sand up annoyedly around him, the double sunset in the distance lighting up the sky with hues of violet and orange. You watched as he reached the end of the ramp and took a step onto the sand before turning back towards you, finding you adjusting Luke so your cloak covered his face and body to hide him from the sandy wind. You descended the ramp slowly as Obi-Wan waited patiently for you, when you met him at the bottom the two of you fell in step together beside one another, approaching the humble dome shaped home not too far away from the ship. You could see two figures walking out to meet you, a woman and a man from the looks of it. When you had gotten about 15 feet within them, you had stopped in your tracks as Obi-Wan glanced back to see why you weren't beside him. He furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head to the side, looking like an adorable puppy but seeing tears brim in your eyes as you were frozen in place.

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