Steve sighed, "Oh come on. Since when do you hold back on what you wanna say." 

Natasha looked over at him, the smirk never fading, "Since I'm trying to be nicer." 

Steve chuckled, "Sure."

Natasha elbowed him lightly and Steve smiled before looking up at the front of the vehicle, where Peter and Wanda were arguing about the radio. 

It was nearly an hour into the drive when Steve felt Natasha's head fall onto his shoulder. 

He looked over and smiled when he saw her sleeping quietly. 

Thor gave him a knowing smile and Steve simply blushed and looked away.

When they finally arrived at the beach another hour later, Natasha woke up and climbed out of the van with Steve behind her. 

"Beach day!!" Peter yelled, jumping out and running towards the sand. 

Tony, Thor, and Sam joined in, all sprinting towards the beach entrance while Bruce, Wanda, Steve, and Natasha unloaded the van. 

"Children. All of them," Wanda muttered. 

Natasha raised an eyebrow, "You're only 19."

Wanda shrugged, "I'm mature beyond my years. More so then them." 

"I wouldn't be overly proud of that, they've got the combined maturity level of a ten year old child," Natasha muttered. 

Wanda laughed and used her powers to lift all the beach chairs before walking towards the beach. 

Bruce grabbed the cooler and followed behind quickly. 

Natasha leaned against the car and gestured to the cooler, "Are you gonna make me carry that?" 

Steve shook his head and picked it up with a small laugh before following Natasha to the beach entrance. 

"You know, I don't think I've ever been to the beach outside of missions," Natasha said, looking out at the ocean with a small smile. 

Steve smiled, "My mom used to take Bucky and I all the time when we were kids...but the last time I saw the ocean up close I was in a plane nose diving towards it." 

Natasha gave him a sad smile, "Do that again and I swear to God I'll kill you Rogers." 

Steve laughed, "Well I don't see a plane around so I think we're good." 

She rolled her eyes and threw her back into the beach chair, reaching into it and pulling out a bottle of sunscreen. 

The others had already jumped into the ocean and Steve and Natasha were now the only ones left on the sand. 

Steve set the cooler down and blushed when he looked up and saw Natasha taking off her cover-up, revealing the red bikini she had on underneath. 

"Whatever happened to 'bye bye bikinis'?" Steve asked, trying desperately to fight back the redness in his cheeks. 

Natasha smirked, "Do I look as terrible as you thought in them?" 

"Worse," Steve teased with a shake of his head. 

She shrugged, "I bet Banner will like it." 

Steve frowned, jealousy instantly taking over despite that he knew...well, he was pretty sure that it was just a joke. 

She grinned at his reaction, "Relax. I'm kidding. Now stop pouting and put some of this on my back," She said, holding out the sunscreen. 

Steve raised an eyebrow, "What?" 

She rolled her eyes, "Put some sunscreen on my back. Russian skin burns easy. If you don't want to I could go find Bruce but I'd rather have your hands on me than his or anyone else's." 

Steve blushed and took the bottle from her, "You're a tease Nat." 

"What if I'm not just teasing Rogers?" She asked, looking back at him over her shoulder as he rubbed the lotion onto her skin. 

"Are you?" 

Her gaze remained fixed on his and the playful glint in her eyes was replaced by something more vulnerable than Steve would have expected, "Do you want me to be?"

Steve shook his head wordlessly. 

Natasha turned around, her face now only inches from Steve's. She looked at him and tilted her head slightly, "Prove it."

Steve looked at her for a moment, wanting to make sure that she was serious before reaching out and pulling her to him by the hip and crashing his lips against hers.

She let out a short yelp of surprise before instantly wrapping her arms around his neck so that she could deepen the kiss. 

Her hand came to rest on his cheek while the other remained on the back of his neck as he tangled his hand in her hair. 

"Please tell me this actually means something," Steve whispered against her lips, still holding her impossibly close. 

Natasha shook her head with a slight sigh, "Sometimes I think you're the biggest fool I know Steve. In case you haven't noticed, I don't typically make out with my friends for no reason." 

Steve raised an eyebrow, "What's your reason then?" 

She brushed a piece of hair from his face, "I adore you." 

Steve couldn't help the smile that spread across his face, "I adore you too." 

"Hey! Lovebirds! Get your asses over here and bond with the team, not each other. You can exchange saliva later!" Tony yelled from the water.

Natasha glared at Tony and raised her middle finger at him as she pulled Steve to her for another kiss. 

Hey guys. I'm sorry it's been forever since I updated. Basically, I'm just lazy and I started school back this year so I've been more tired then normal. I would promise to update more often but I don't know for sure that I will lol. I'll do my best though. 

I hope you guys all enjoyed this chapter and please comment and vote if you did!

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