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When it was just the two of them together, she found that she wouldn't choose to be anywhere else. 

"Are you gonna take me to the bedroom or what?" She mumbled against his lips. 

Steve chuckled and lifted her up, walking towards her bedroom without letting his lips leave hers...until there was a loud knock on the door. 

The two jumped apart and Natasha's eyes widened as she looked at the clock. 

"Who the hell needs me at 3 am?" She whispered. 

There was another knock before they heard the door open, "Natasha! It's Clint!" 

She cursed quietly, pushing Steve backwards and into her rather small closet, "Stay here while I deal with him. I'll be right back." 

Steve nodded and sat down, trying his best to fit without making a mess or knocking her clothes down. 

She gave him one last apologetic look before closing the door and going back into the living room. 

"Clint what the hell are you doing here? It's 3 am," She asked, a scowl on her face. 

Clint frowned, looking around her apartment, "I think I left a shoe here." 

Natasha frowned, "Why would you have left a shoe here? When was the last time you even came here?" 

Clint shrugged, "I don't know but I know it's around here somewhere." 

He got on his hands and knees and started crawling around Natasha's floor, looking under every table, chair, couch, and object that he could find. 

Natasha glared at him, "Your shoe isn't here." 

"I'm pretty sure it is," Clint argued, walking towards her bedroom and opening the door. 

"Why would it be in my bedroom Clint? Did you check the fucking vents?" 

Clint shook his head, "No...that's a good idea though. Let me just check the closet real quick then I'll try that." 

Natasha couldn't help but tense slightly. She quickly composed herself and stepped in front of Clint with a glare deadly enough to where he no longer cared about his missing shoe. 

"You know what, I think the vents are a better bet." 

Natasha nodded, "Uh huh. Now get out." 

Clint nodded, "Alright, bye then. Goodnight." 

Natasha watched as he left the apartment and then quickly locked the door behind him. She went back to her closet quickly and opened the door. 

"Sorry," She said to Steve, who was sitting against the wall with his knees to his chest. 

"Is he gone?" Steve asked.

Natasha nodded, "Yeah. Came here looking for a lost shoe...which was a bunch of bullshit. I think he suspects something." 

Steve nodded, "Mind helping me up?" 

Natasha couldn't help but laugh as she extended her hand to him, pulling him up and pressing her lips to his once again. 

"Think you can forgive me for shoving you into a closet?" Natasha teased. 

Steve nodded, kissing her softly, "Always." 


"Who do you think made the first move?" Tony asked to the room full of his teammates. 

Clint scoffed, "Natasha."

The rest of the room nodded in agreement. 

"Definitely Natasha," Sam agreed. 

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