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It was already past midnight and Yunhee wasn't back. I started pacing back and forth. "She still isn't back?" Her uncle came down. I shook my head. "Something isn't right, she wouldn't be out so late, and if she were to stay out late, she would always tell me." He sat down on the couch.

I walked over to him, "Samchon, go rest. I'll go see if she's with Harin and if not I'll look around all night." He smiled at me and went back to his room. I got my things and headed out. I was able to find Harin's address and headed there first.

When I arrived, I got out and jogged to the front door. I knocked and waited for a response. It took a while, but the door opened. "Leedo?" Harin was half asleep, "What are you doing here?"

"Is Yunhee with you?" I asked him.

He fully woke up, "No, I left her at the house after work. She isn't there?"

I rubbed the back of my neck, "She was, but she ran out and hasn't come back since then."

Harin rubbed his forehead, "Come in, I think I can find her." He moved to the side to let me in. "Let me go wash up." He ran to the bathroom. After 20 minutes of waiting impatiently, he came out. He motioned me to his room.

I followed him and entered his room. He had four screens with different things on. "Are you a hacker or something?" I asked as I looked around.

"Something like that." He sat down on a chair and started working on the computer. "Do you know the necklace that she wears all the time."

"Yea, it looks like a sunflower." I responded.

"Yeap, that one. Apparently her mom gave it to her before the accident. So, she has never taken it off since then. I figured, since she wears it all the time, it could be of use." He was working fast on the keyboard.

"Come to use? How so?" I looked at him confused.

"I installed a tracker in it." He smirked.

"How did you do that if she doesn't take it off?" I leaned back on the desk.

"She's a heavy sleeper, I was able to take it off and install the tracker and put it back on her." He smiled.

"Did you see her sleeping? I hope you didn't do anything else." I glared at him.

He grabbed his phone and unlocked it. He showed me his wallpaper, "She looked so cute while she slept, so I took a picture."

"Send me that." He nodded and sent it to me. I looked at my phone and smiled at the picture. "Now delete the one you have."

"No." I was about to say something but he got up. "I got her location. Let's go."

"Let's go? You're going too?" I looked at him.

"Ugh, yes. She's my boss and I promised her father that I'll look after her. And I know where she is." He smiled as he grabbed his things.

"Fine." I walked out of the room and Harin followed me. I got in the car and Harin gave me directions. We drove for an hour and a half until we reached an abandoned warehouse.

We heard a loud grunting sound coming from inside. We quickly but quietly approached the sound.

"Didn't I say that Leedo is mine? He still doesn't want to leave, even after you pushed him away. What's so good about you anyway? Is he after your pretty face and body? I can have that too. I can look just as good as you." I knew that voice very well. I cursed quietly, Harin elbowed wanting to know who it was.

"It's my ex fiance. She's nuts." I cursed at myself. This wouldn't be happening if I didn't grow to love Yunhee. We found a place to see what was happening.

We saw Yunhee tied up and hanging, as Honey had a guy hit her. "It's okay though. Leedo would never know you fell in love with him. Since I'll be getting rid of you. It'll be the only way for him to come back."

Yunhee chuckled, "You think, just because you get me out of the picture he would stay? You really are a psychopath. If you kill me, he'll just hate you more and would run again."

Honey motioned the guy to hit her again. Yunhee grunted as she got punched in the stomach. I closed my eyes in anger. I looked at Harin and said, "Go around the area and see if there are more men around. I'll keep Honey and that guy busy." Harin nodded and left quietly. I quietly sneaked in.

"If he runs again, I'll find him! I always do! Leedo is mine! Mine! Mine! I will kill anyone who gets close to him. You will be the next person I get rid of. I hope you are saying your last words, because I will be taking your life!" Honey pulled out a gun and pointed it towards Yunhee.

"Honey!" I came out of my hiding place and walked up to them. Honey didn't move the gun away from Yunhee. "Honey, put the gun down."

"No! You're here for her! But you won't take her alive!!" She turned to face Yunhee and pulled the trigger. I ran towards them. The guy who was hurting Yunhee charges up to me. Out of nowhere, Harin tackles the guy and I run up to Honey. But it was too late, she shot the bullet and it pierced Yunhee. She hung there without moving.

"Yunhee!" I ran up to her. Harin knocked the guy out and took a hold of Honey, not letting her run. When I got to Yunhee, she was barely breathing. "Please, stay with me. Please." I untied her and fell to the floor with her in my arms, "Please. Don't leave me, hang in there." My tears fell on her, I can't lose her. I can't. 

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