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I stood up and grabbed my phone. "Where do you think you're going?" My father asked.

"Can't you tell that my food went sour. It's disgusting. But you enjoy." I didn't let him say anything else and I walked out.

"You shouldn't be so rude." I turn around and see that woman's son.

I walk up to him and smirk, "Do you think you have some right to say anything to me? Let's make this clear." I moved in closer, "You and your mother are nothing but leeches that stuck on my father. You can drain him and do whatever you please, but don't ever appear in front of me again. I couldn't care less about whom you are. To me you are nothing but a nameless bastard." I turn and make my way out.

I couldn't find Leedo anywhere. Secretary Jae runs up to me, "I'm sorry, I went to the bathroom."

"It's okay, go get the car." He nodded and left.

I see Leedo coming out of the building, and he walks straight to me with a serious face. "Did you also go the bathroom?" I smiled.

"Ugh, no." He scratched his head, "I heard you and that guy talking."

I lifted an eyebrow, "Oh, you did?"

"You shouldn't have talked to him like that. You sounded like a bitch."

"So. Why do I have to be good to him?" I questioned him.

"It doesn't hurt you know."

"Do you even know what his mom, and he did?" Leedo shook his head, "So why defeat him."

"I'm not, I'm just saying..." I cut him off.

"Forget it. You're done for today." I turn and start walking away. Everything is always my fault.

I went to a phone store, and bought a new phone, paying it in cash. I then headed to the bank and took out money. I went to an airline company and bought a ticket back to Greece in cash. After that I went and bought some clothes to take with me. My phone started ringing, and I see Secretary Jae's number.

"Yes?" I answer.

"Where are you? You aren't in the office." He asked.

"I'm done for the day. You go home for the day. Thanks for everything Jae." I hung up and checked the time. I started heading for the airport.

Flight to Santorini, Greece is now boarding. I threw my phone away and made my way to the line and handed my ticket to the lady. I board the plane and take my seat. 18 hours on this plane to get back home. I don't care what my father says, I hate it here.

I arrived at the airport in Greece and hauled a taxi to the house. My uncle was outside the house flowering plants. "Samchon!" My uncle turns around and wears a big smile.

He laughs, "What is my favorite flower doing here?" I ran up to him and hugged him.

"I missed you so much." I told him as I hugged him, "I'm not going back. I hate it there. Everyone is dead, and my mother replaced." I started choking up.

"You don't need to go back, my dear." He patted my back softly.


Back in the office Secretary Jae started pacing back and forth, panicking. Leedo runs in, "Did you find her?" He asked him, and the Secretary shook his head.

"What about her phone? Did you track it?"


Leedo rubbed his head, "Okay, I'll take care of it. This shouldn't be hard, we live in 21st century. Let's go." Leedo and Secretary Jae ran out and headed to the operation's office.

"Leedo, what can I do for you?" The tall man asks.

"I need you to track the Vice CEO's phone now." The man nodded and heads to the computer. Leedo turns and faces Secretary Jae, "How long has she been missing?"

"Since yesterday." he responded.

"Did you call her? Anything?" Leedo started getting upset.

"I did. She said she was taking the rest of the day off and for me to do the same thing. She even said, Thanks for everything Jae. She never called me that since we came from Greece."

Leedo nodded, "I found it." The man stood up and walked over to them. "It's in the airport, I sent you the location." Leedo thanked the man and ran out.

He gets into the car and drives quickly. Once he got there, he started looking for YunHee. He tracks the location and ends up in front of a trash can. He signs and puts his hand in until he feels the phone. He pulls it out, Fucking shit!

He heads back to the office and asks to see the Chairman. "I'm sorry sir, but I think the Miss left Korea."

The Chairman bangs the table, "That child will never understand! She's probably in Greece with her Uncle. He's always spoiling her and taking her side." He stands up, "Go to Greece and bring her back. I don't care how you do it, but bring her back." With that said, Leedo bows and leaves.

This girl is going to get it when I see her. Leedo thought to himself. He goes home and gets his luggage ready and heads out to Greece to catch himself a runaway Vice CEO. 

Lotus (Leedo Oneus Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant