Megan and William *

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This one has been tough. It required a lot of research (and I still may have gotten a few things wrong). It wasn't meant to go as it has. But I finished it because I had to (for you as well as myself.)

Sorry this is posted late. I thought I had posted it but apparently I didn't. So, here it is.

See the author note at the end of the chapter please.

Megan and William *

Megan Wallace slowly woke from a deep sleep. She tried to relax and slip back into the sweet dream.

Unfortunately, her housemate, Jenna was banging on the bedroom door. "Megan, come on, get up. We're going to be late." The door rattled again as Jenna pounded on the wood. "Come on!"

Megan didn't care. She wanted to dream. She had been dreaming about the same guy for three weeks.

"Come on, Megan. I'll bang on this door till the end of time if I have too."

Megan grumbled under her breath. With a loud sigh she threw back the covers and yelled.  "I'm up." She stretched and yawned. before getting out of the bed.

She walked over to the dresser and got out a fresh set of clothes. She gathered her phone from the charger, took her birth control pills, pulled her make-up bag from the second drawer of the dresser.

Belongings in her arms she opened the door. Jenna stood there, waiting.

"Just making sure you're really awake." She smiled, flipped her hair and spun around. The girl happily pranced back to her room.

"Good morning to you too." Megan told her. Jenna waved over her shoulder and entered her room.

Megan showered and dressed. As she was putting on her make-up her phone beeped.

JENNA: U ready


She finished her lipstick as she waited. The phone beeped.

It was a voice message from Jenna. "McDonald's, unless you want flour tortillas, Mayo and old salsa. Now... Hurry up."

Megan sent a voice reply. "McDonald's it is."

They stopped at McDonald's drive through. They each ordered a coffee, ten creamers and eight sugars, a bacon, egg and cheese bagel, and a hash brown.

They ate and traveled to Megan's work listening to the radio.

Jenna dropped Megan off in the parking lot of the library.

"What are doing at lunch?" She asked putting the car in park.

"I'll walk up to the Sonic." Megan nodded to the road. The Sonic was only a block away. Jenna turned down the radio.

"How about I meet you here and drive up? I don't want Indian food again this week." Jenna actually made a face of disgust.

"Sure. But I thought you liked Indian." Megan slung her purse strap over her shoulder.

"I do. But the smell of curry has been making me sick lately." She grimaced with the memory of the previous day's lunch.

Megan shrugged. "Sure. I'll see you at eleven forty-five."

The next few hours passed uneventful and Megan started to look forward to some chili cheese tots.

Jenna found her in the DVD section of the library thirty minutes before the time they had set to meet.

"Hey, roomie."

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