Holmes and Holmes

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Holmes and Holmes

Jessica Grand rang up the last customer, bid her goodnight and told her to have a great day. She walked her to the door and locked it behind her. She spent the next half hour closing up. She liked her job and didn't mind the late weekend hours.

Technically she didn't have to work but chose to anyway. She received a stipend from her aunt's estate every month. It paid the bills plus some, still Jessica liked the work. She liked the activity and social interaction with the customers, human and para.

She intended on continuing to work even after mating. If her mate was really meant for her he'd understand her need to do something with her life. He'd want her to be happy. Being a mid level Lycan left a lot of choices. She wasn't tied up with politics, had no Lycan business to run, her brother had found his mate and transferred to his mates pack, her sister was only twelve years old and lived with their parents. So there was no reason Jessica couldn't work. She wasn't needed anywhere else.

Her mom thinks she'd change her mind when she finds her mate. Jessica didn't. Maybe she would when she has children but she wanted it all; mate, family, work. She wanted purpose.

Her sister, Jules, didn't see any purpose to her job. She also said she didn't want a mate. But she hadn't transitioned yet. She had very little contact with her wolf either.

Jessica drove to her apartment along streets with almost no traffic. The apartment was a new acquisition. She had only moved in three weeks ago, against her parents wishes. They had wanted her to stay on pack territory. The Alpha has agreed with her, with conditions. The apartment complex was owned by the pack. That hasn't eased her parents minds. The fact that two other pack families lived in the complex did help.

On her one month anniversary she decided to celebrate. Bills paid she invited her parents and sister to dinner out and a movie at the apartment. Jules had begged a sleepover weekend.

So Jessica had agreed and planned ahead. The pantry was ready for a twelve year old female. Mac-n-cheese, burgers, frozen pizza, pop tarts, cereal and fresh fruit all sat ready for her sister.

No one had told Jessica that Jules had shown signs of the transition for over a month. So she hadn't been prepaid for her sister starting her first shift in her bathroom.

Jessica hadn't been worried at first despite the unexpected shift. But after the shift failed to advance to a full shift she started to worry. Most shifts took an hour at most. Jules had been stuck mid-shift at least that long already.

"Mom, mom, you have to come to the apartment. Jules is shifting. I don't think she's handling it well. She's been mid-shift for an hour. It's not advancing. I don't know what to do."

"We're on our way. Carl, Jules is in a difficult transition, let's go. Jessica, we'll be there as soon as we can. Call Hanson he may be able to help."

Jessica ran to the kitchen and flipped through the notebook of names and numbers for the other shifters in the complex. She hadn't meet any of them yet but she was desperate. She quickly made the call and Hanson said he'd be right down.

She knelt by her sister, waiting, each twitch or moan her sister gave was like a knife in her heart. She didn't dare touch her as her sisters skin would be overly sensitive to stimulation. As soon as the doorbell rang she sprinted to the door and flung it open.

Jessica lost her breath the second she opened the door. Her mate stood at the threshold dressed in dress slacks, a white label shirt, shiny dress shoes and a purple tie.

The attraction was instant. But Jessica's second thought was her sister.

"Mate, my sister needs help." She felt pulled in both directions. Help her sister and connect with her mate, she chose to help her sister, she would have time with her mate when her sister was safe.

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