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Megan was fuming. She couldn't believe that Chris had hit her sister. She was going to kill him and bring him back to clean up the mess. She hated him with a passion. She stormed into her classroom.

Chris looked up and frowned. "Megan. Are you okay?" He asked.

"You're a sick bastard! You hit Madison?! How dare you! She is a beautiful person and now she has that on her eye! You're a disgusting piece of work and I hope you have fun explaining to the police," she spat.

Chris sighed. "It was an accident. We were arguing and it accidentally happened," he told her. He knew it wouldn't convince her. "You have to believe me."

Megan rolled her eyes. "What? Your fist accidentally connected with her eye?!"

"Stop shouting. It's not good for your baby."

"My baby doesn't concern you! Just stop it. You ever hurt her again, I will kill you with my bare hands," Megan spat.


Megan looked up as Madison walked in. She sighed. "It looks painful," she said as she hugged her sister. She smiled. "Are you okay though?"

Madison nodded and smiled. "Yeah I'm okay. I'm staying with mum for a little bit. I can't be dealing with Chris at the moment. It's too stressful," she said  Mx

"Good. Mum will look after you. What's happening with you and Max?" Megan asked.

"I ended things. I can't handle the pressure of an affair while Chris is being a jerk," Madison said.

Megan felt bad. She knew her sister was going through a lot at the moment. She sighed as hugged her again. "You know you're always welcome to stay with me. It'll be like old times," she said.



Tom walked into Megan's classroom. She looked up at him. "What?" She asked as she closed a text book. "Well?"

"I've been thinking. I'm getting a court order that stops you from aborting the baby. Then when it's born, I take it and raise it," he told her.

Megan frowned. She couldn't believe what Tom was doing. "You can't do this? This is my child too. I have rights. It's my body."

Tom rolled his eyes. "You're having a laugh aren't you? You want to get rid of the baby! You're not fit to be a mother. I'm going for full custody of that baby weather you like it or not," he spat.

"Bring it on then."


Megan and Madison went for dinner that night. Megan could tell Madison was hiding something. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm pregnant. I don't know if the dad is Chris or Max. Max is off screwing Kim Campbell. He won't talk to me," Madison said.

Megan smiled. "At least you don't have him wanting to take the baby from you. He's applying for a court order to stop me from having an abortion," she told her.

Madison frowned. "Can he do that?"

"I don't know. I really don't."


The two girls went onto a club. Megan frowned as she saw Madison ordering an alcoholic drink. "You shouldn't be drinking."

Madison rolled her eyes. "I can have a couple can't I?"

"Sorry bubs. Nope."

Madison sighed and threw the drink away. Megan smiled and took her hand. She knew that she and Madison had to be there for each other, but could they make it work?

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