Chapter 5: Colliding of the stars

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Four weeks had passed and it was May 22nd and on that day, Christi was at a restaurant on Dempster Street named Ken's Diner and Grill sitting at a booth as she had called Abby and her son to talk about the verbal fight they had at the competition and it was three days before the birthdays of Chloe, Lauren and Skye as they were born in the same year and day.

Several minutes later, Abby and Shane both arrived and sat in the same booth with Christi.

"Hello." Christi replied.

"Hi, Christi. You wanted to talk to us?" Abby asked as she and Shane sat down so they could talk to Christi.

"Yes." Christi replied. "Abby, Shane, the reason why i wanted to talk to you today was to make amends with you two for what had happened at the previous competition, my actions were downright inexcusable, i'll admit that and i take full responsibility for that. Also, want to apologize to the both of you."

"Your apology is accepted." Abby told Christi.

"Also, i've done some soul searching and deep thinking in these past four weeks and i realize that i'm not doing Chloe any favors by constantly fighting with you, so i'm gonna stand back and let you teach Chloe."

Abby and Shane looked at each other in surprise, that wasn't what they were expecting from Christi.

"What have you done with the real Christi and where is she?" Shane teased as he, Abby and Christi shared a laugh.

"Like i just said, i did some soul searching and realized i was getting in the way of Chloe trusting the both of you. I'd like to start a clean slate with you guys and i mean it."

Abby and Shane smiled, they knew that Christi had honesty in her voice and she was smiling at them, knowing that they've finally come to an understanding and then Christi shook hands with Abby, then she did the same thing with Shane and then they left the diner.

In Studio A at the studio the next day, the girls were sitting down and the moms were standing as Abby and Shane were standing next to the board.

"Let's talk about the competition from four weeks ago, i'm very disappointed, every one of you could have done better with your solos." Abby told the girls. "Let's forget about what had happened, what is going to happen this upcoming weekend?"

Paige raised her hand. "It's the ALDC Showcase."

"Ding Ding Ding! You're correct." Shane said, the ALDC showcase is an event that showcases the competition numbers and the families and friends come and see the results and Abby signaled for her son to inform the girls what group dance would be done at the showcase. "We'll be doing a new group routine called Sugar Daddies at the showcase."

"Maddie, you won the overall high score at the competition, Nia, you forgot the solo, but you kept dancing and made it up and finished. Chloe, you did a great job despite those other situations. You are here and i want to see that attitude improve on the stage because you never know who is watching you." Abby said. "I've got a few surprises for you during the showcase, i do not want to pressure you or anything, but in the audience there's going to be an agent coming to seek new talent and looking for new clients to sign."

The girls and moms all had excited looks on their faces as they clapped and cheered.

"We've got another thing up our sleeve." Shane commented as he turned to the moms with a grin and Abby was grinning too, it was obvious that they were trying not to laugh.'re all going to be dancing in the show as well."

The moms all had embarrassed looks on their faces as the girls were all cheering and clapping.

"Cathy, you're gonna be the choreographer."

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