Chapter 2: Spicing up the Competition

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It was a new week and the day was April 11 as everybody was in Studio A and Cathy and Vivi weren't there yet.

"Phoenix was really rough, you guys got your butts kicked, but thankfully Shane saved the day with his solo victory. Here in Chicago, you've won everything, but it is very obvious that it's a different story when you get on a plane or bus and head across the country, i've told Shane that and i've even told Skye and Lauren as well. For years and years, i've taken the kids to competitions by myself, made sure that their hair, makeup and hairpiece was just right, but these days, the mothers want to go and that is because they are revisiting their childhoods through you and that is where trouble starts." Abby told them.

"Here's the thing, my mother is the leader, you do what she says and there is conflict whenever your mothers are telling you something to do, do you get the memo?" Shane added as the girls all said yes, then he turned to Nia. "Nia, how do you think we did when we were in Phoenix this past weekend?"

"We could've improved and i need to improve on pointing my feet." Nia answered him.

"Correct, the feet, arms, shoulders and legs need tuning and those kinds of mistakes pull the group down." Abby said, she then looked over at Chloe. "Chloe, your headpiece should have stayed up, instead, it fell down and covered your face."

"MIss Abby, that was my fault and my fault only, i will make sure it stays on next time." Chloe told Abby, who nodded.

"Great. Ok, this new group routine is going to be called Electricity and Maddie, since you did great this past weekend and your mother didn't give me or my son any trouble, you're gonna be front and center for the routine and we've got three solos, Maddie you'll be doing one of the solos and that is named Cry, Chloe, you'll be doing the other solo named Baby Mine and Shane, your routine is going to be called Dangerous. We know you're Dangerous, but in a good way."

"He sure is." Kelly stated.

"We'll be heading to StarQuest in Bloomington, Illinois this weekend. All right, everybody up. Let's start this routine. Moms, your dismissed." Abby said as the moms went into the observation room and the girls got up and the moms watched like usual.

"Here we are again." Christi said. "Like a bunch of donkeys."

"You heard that dog in there?" Kelly asked them, referring about Abby and began to mock her. "'Be Like Maddie', Be Like Maddie'."

Melissa rolled her eyes as she turned to Kelly.

"Nia's at the bottom of the pyramid and that isn't right." Holly interjected.

"Brooke is too along with Mackenzie." Kelly stated.

"I predict that Abby is setting up another Maddie-Chloe showdown and i know Abby will be working with Maddie before she heads onstage and it'll be me in the hallway with my daughter." Christi predicted. "That's how it is, the focus is on Maddie."

"Maybe Shane could help Chloe." Melissa suggested.

"Fair enough." Christi replied, then they talked about Cathy and Vivi after Melissa told the other moms about them

It was three days prior to competition and that was the day the girls were going to do costume fitting in Studio C and the moms were in there sitting down and Shane, Lauren and Skye were in there as well and in front of them was a pedestal as Abby opened the door and coming in was Nia as Holly was laughing at the costume she was in and it was a shiny turquoise shorts, shiny black, turquoise top, collar like choker, black trip and knee high socks that were two inches above the knee with turqouise bows on them.

"Goodness gracious." Skye commented. "That's a little too skimpy in my book.

"Mom, are you serious?" Lauren muttered under her breath at the sight of how the costume for the group dance was looking like.

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