Chapter 4: Solotime

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At the studio that monday, Abby, Shane, Lauren and Skye were at the front desk as Gianna was in Studio A getting things ready for the next competition.

"Where are we gonna head next, mom?" Skye asked Abby.

"This week, we'll be going to Tinley Park, which isn't far from here to attend OnStage NY and this time, instead of having a group dance, we'll have all solos." Abby responded.

"Cool." Lauren stated.

"Shane, just to let you know, you'll have another solo and it's gonna be called The Kingpin because i know you love to go bowling whenever we get the chance." Abby informed.

"Thanks for letting me know, hopefully i can bowl my way to another win." Shane said as his mother and sisters laughed.

"Good one, Bro." Lauren said, then once everybody arrived, they got ready for the whole week and everyone was given solos, Maddie was given two and that irked Christi to no end.

(Shane's costume for The Kingpin: Black Nylon/Spaned snap front shirt with contrasting trim, black stretch velvet pants)

That saturday Abby, Shane, Lauren, Skye, the girls and moms all arrived at the convention center in Tinley Park, where OnStage NY was and Cathy and Vivi, who were gonna meet them there because Cathy didn't like being in charge of things and had to follow Abby's rules and decided to not ride the bus with them and that irked Abby and crew and they went into a dressing room and got ready.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, Maddie with Acapella!" Maddie came on to the stage to applause and she began her dancing as the music began playing and she was great with her dancing and at the end, she posed and headed off stage.

"Mom, Maddie's taps were as quick as a bell." Lauren observed.

"You know it." Abby agreed.

"Mackenzie's Solo coming up next." Skye stated.

"She'll do as great as Maddie." Melissa stated.

"Coming up to the stage is Mackenzie with Mouse Trap!" Mackenzie rolled on to the stage and she did good with her solo and when she did her pose, she left the stage and she met up with Melissa backstage.

"You were so good!" Melissa exclaimed as she hugged Mackenzie. "I'm so proud of you! Everyone was clapping for you!"

"I know, i heard." Mackenzie said.

Back on the stage, a routine was finished and Vivi-Anne was waiting to do her solo next.

"Next on the stage is Vivi-Anne with Bumble Bee." Vivi stood on the stage and she did decent with her dance and she did a pose at the end and she posed at the end left the stage.

"Please welcome Brooke with Break Me!" Brooke came on to the stage and she did all right with her solo even though she had some flaws, she completed the dance at the end of the music and left the stage.

"Up next is Shane with The Kingpin!" Shane walked from the wings of the stage and when the music began playing, he went into dancing mode by nailing his moves and tricks from start to finish and then he posed and headed off the stage.

"Coming up is Nia with You Do!" Nia walked on to the stage and she had some flaws at first, but she managed to complete the dance before heading off stage when she was done.

"Next we have Paige with Double Take!" Paige strutted on the stage and she began her dance and she was doing well at first, but then at one point, she froze up and Kelly was cringing and so were the moms.

"Oh, boy." Shane muttered as Abby was shaking her head. "Mom, has this happened to you in recent years?"

"No." Abby answered her son. "That hasn't happened to me in 25 years and that was in 1986, way before you and your sisters were born."

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