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"....you're even less interesting than I thought."



"W-what?" she choked out.

Yuuto stood up and threw the box away. He put his arms behind his head and turned away saying, "Oh well, its the same with all of you.."

"Huh?" (Y/n) was at a complete loss.

 What was going on?? Why was he suddenly acting like this? A-and what does he mean by "all of you"?? 

He turned around to face her, "Oh look at you. All messed up aren't you? Did you really think I loved only you?" Then he started laughing like it was the most absurd thing to even imagine, "No. I love all humans!! God shouldn't be partial after all." 

'God?...He thinks he's God?!'

She brought her gaze to meet his, "...Why...why do you toy with people like this?" She clenched her fists so tight that her nails dug into the soft skin of her palms.

At this the man smirked, "Because they're interesting," he said. 


"Oh my! You should look at yourself right now," he chuckled.

Only at this point did she realize that she was crying.

 'Crying?!! For THIS MAN??!!'

Anger and hatred boiled within her as she forcefully wiped away those tears.

"Yuuto you b-" she started through gritted teeth.

"The name's Izaya Orihara," he said casually.
He still wore that irksome smirk and seemed to take all this as some big joke.

She stared at him, lost for words. 

'So his name...was a lie too...'  Of course it was. What else could anyone expect from a man like this?

'But that means...Yuuto... was a lie too...' 
'The only one who loved me was a lie...h-he never existed....'
Tears started prickling her eyes as she thought that. She lowered her head as she let the tears slow trickle down her face.

'Pathetic. All of this..I am... pathetic..' she thought.

"Hmm..."  Izaya hummed, making her look up to see his hands on the railing, "I remember you saying something about how you get attached so deeply." Then he hauled himself onto the other side of the railing as he turned to look at his victim, "Guess its true."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened at this action. "W-what are you-", she started but was almost immediately cut off by Izaya.

"You know..this place has a lot of history," he said as he stared at the pavement below before glancing at her. She got the message. 

Almost as if in a trance she moved closer to the edge and gripped the railing. The man looked at her with the slightest look of amusement swimming behind his eyes, "What do you think?Beautiful view isn't it?"

(Y/n) didn't look at him. She was too busy staring at dried up stain of, what she guessed was blood. He wanted her to kill herself. Everyone did actually. But could she? She would have done it long time ago, if it wasn't for her being such a coward and ...her sister.  

That seemed to pull her out of her trance. 
No. NO. SHE WOULDN'T DO IT. She promised...she had PROMISED!

She turned to look at Izaya, only to find the man nowhere in sight. She looked around and saw Izaya making his way to the elevator.

"And where do you think your going?" She asked, trying to sound as hostile she could and at the moment she was very furious.

Izaya turned around. He scanned (Y/n) for a second before gaining that amused look on his eye again.
"Hmm. Interesting. Usually people like you don't hesitate to go on," he said.

"Listen here you bastard," she took a step towards him, shaking in anger. She glared at him. "Don't you think for a second that I'll let this slide. I will make you pay."

Izaya smirked.  "Well now that's the spirit. I assume things will be interesting for a while," he said before stepping into the elevator.

"I hope we meet soon (Y/n)-chan," he said with a sickly sweet smile, as the elevator doors closed, leaving (Y/n) behind on the windy roof.

The wind was strong that night. Surely, a storm would ensue soon.


And we'll that was the long awaited update!

I'm feeling very emotionally unstable today which is why all the things that kept me from writing suddenly manifested into a huge ball of creativity! If any of that makes sense.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!! 😊

Peace out!!


P.S: One Direction is driving me crazy and is partially responsible for my emotional self today if you were wondering.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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