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She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart and called out his name....



(Y/n)'s POV:-

I called out to him. "Yuuto-kun...?"

He turned around to face me. He had a smirk/smile on his face. It sent chills down my spine. For some reason, I didn't trust this man anymore. 

'No wait! This is Yuuto-kun you're talking about (Y/n)! He's the only person you can trust!!

......the only person who loves you--'

"Hi (Y/n)-chan," he chuckled. Then he walked towards me. I smiled at him. 

By this time my heart was beating so fast that I could hear it! He stopped just a few inches from me. Then suddenly knelt down on one-knee! And took out a small box, staring at me the whole time.

'W-w-what is he doing?'

He held out the box and smiled at me. "Uh....w-what's all this about?" I asked. Surely, this is not what I think it is....is it?

"What do you think?" His smile turned to a smirk.

"Uh...." No way! There's no way he likes me that way! I can't date him even if he did. No way!!This must be some elaborate prank! Yes, that's it.......a....prank....

'But then, why does that make me feel so sad?'

"(Y/n)-chan?" Yuuto's voice brought me back. 

"Uh- s-sorry...this is all just too much to take in.." i stuttered.

"I know. But I wanted you to know...." I looked at him and suddenly, his smile dropped.

"...that you're much less interesting than I thought."



Sorry I haven't been around so much lately. I'm really REALLY busy and stressed so I don't really get time for wattpad even if i do, like yesterday, I can't properly focus on writing anything. 

I'll try to update. But please understand rn. 

Anyways, hope you liked this chapter although its very VERY short!


Peace Out!!

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