Episode 5: All out fight

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Asuka and her friends where walking around town looking for Y/n.

Ikaruga: Where is Y/n?

Asuka: I've check his home and he wasn't there.

Hibari: Hope he's ok.

Katsuragi: Yeah I can't imagine Y/n being gone without me.

Yagyuu: Yeah....wait what?

Then they heard a few trash cans fell on the ground. They turn and they see someone stumbling towards them.

???: (weaken) Asuka....Asuka.

They where shocked to see Y/n badly hurt and two of his arms bleeding.

Asuka: Y/n are you......

Then Y/n fell down to the ground and was unconscious. They run up to Y/n.

Asuka: Who did this to you?

Y/n open his eyes and said.

Y/n: (weaken)  Homura Crimson squad.

Then Y/n pass out once more.


(At the Hanzo club)

Y/n was in a bed and Asuka was next to him worried about Y/n. While that the rest tolled Shinji what happened.

Shinji: So these other shinobi girls are like your rivals?

Ikaruga: Yeah we never knew that they did this.

Katsuragi: (anger) Yeah they will pay for what that did to Y/n.

Shinji: Remember it's not there fault, they must of in counter the other riders and managed to escape. But I'm worried....If they tell the rest of the shinobi's that they just took out a rider. They will hunt use down.

Hibari: What should we do?

Shinji: We have a meeting and tell them that Ryuki and I are not going to hunting them. We'll meet them at the park late afternoon.

Katsuragi: Can we not just beat them up for what they did.

Shinji: No we just talk to them and they maybe understand.

Ikaruga: If they didn't listen?

Shinji:.....Then....We just hope they will listen.


Asuka was about to go but she turn to Y/n. She lend in and kiss Y/n on the cheek.

Asuka: I'll be back Y/n, don't worry....I'll be ok.

Then Asuka left and we can see Y/n's finger moved a bite.

(At the park)

The Hanzo club and Shinji arrived at the park and about a few minutes the Homura Crimson squad arrived.

Homura: So your that other rider huh?

Shinji: Yes and we are here to tell you that me and the a rider that you attack are not your ememys. We are here to pretect yous.

Homura: Oh really we do t believe that crap.

Ikaruga: It's true, Ryuki save Asuka days ago, they're not our ememys.

Hibage: Then how can explain all those riders that they attack use?

Shinji: There just riders that just want to grand there wish without facing Odin.

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