chapter 7

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{Makayla pov}

We are now at Ihop eating are food x and trippie are talking about going to this party later me and ayleks said we didn't wanna go so we gonna have a girls night

"Y'all sure y'all don't wanna go?"x asked us while finishing off his steak

"Yeah to many people and ion like being around alot of people"I said shrugging it off I really don't like people for real like we gotta be close for me to wanna be around you

"That's the point of a party"ayleks said playfully making us all laugh

"But nah I'm gonna past too cause coi might be their and I ain't tryna fuck her ass up again"ayleks said and the waiter came over and gave us are check

"I'll pay"me and ayleks said in usion and laughed x and red looked at us like at idiot

"No the fuck y'all not me and Trippie going half on this"x said trippie nodded agreeing with him

"Why do you always do dat"I said to x annoyed

"For real y'all act like we ain't got our own money"ayleks said pouting

"Y'all are ladies and we the men we pay for everything like it or not"trippie said and x dabbed him up

We all got up and they paid for the food and we went to the car me and x sat in the back and ayleks and red sat on the front this is their car

So change of plans I have to go home because my "mom" said she has something "important to tell me" I told x and them I would be back by the time the party was over

"Okay I'm ready"I told x I hugged ayleks goodbye and trippie and I gave ayleks my number and me and x got in the car and he drove off

"Why you gotta go home it's only (1:56pm)"x said looking out kinda sad when we pulled up infront of my house he looked at me and smiled

"She claims she has something to tell me..not like I care"I said and he gave me a weak smile I looked at him and kissed his cheek his face lit up but he tried to hide it

"Bye I'll call you later"I said and opened the car door

"Bye babygirl"he said and I walked up my porch stairs and I unlocked the door and walked in to see my mom and that one nigga she was with she looked at me and smiled

"Hey honey I got someone I want you to meet"she said pulling me in the kitchen with the dude he was probably the same age as my mom 30 sum or older cause he looked like it and he had a lil mustache and he was cocky and tall he looked at me and gave me a friendly smile but I didn't smile back he had on a Rolex with diamonds like real diamonds and he had on sum classy Gucci slides he smelled like Dove soap a strong good smell

"Hi I'm Ryan"he said sticking his hands out for me to shake I just looked at it and gave him a blank face not shaking his hands or anything I then looked at my mom and I looked around the house I noticed we had a lot of new shit around the house that was expensive my mom even had on sum Chanel I shook my head and looked down in disappointment o knew exactly what she was doing

"I feel bad for you"I said to him and ran off to my room and shut the door I sat down on my bed and put my phone on the charger..she's using him just how she used dad for his money and all the pleasuring he did to her I'm not dumb I know my mother and I feel bad for Ryan

My door open and closed revealing my mom she sat next to me on the bed I scooted over away from her she sighed

" might not like him but he's a good man and a big help for me and you he has all the money anyone could ask g-gco"

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