Slight explanation for hiatus

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(Read all the way through)

Okay so, it's been crazy, nearly 2 weeks since I posted my last chapter. I'm sorry for keeping you guys waiting this whole time, but trust me, I am working on it, but it's quite tiring to do. I love to write, but recently school work has taken up most of my time and energy.

Unfortunately something really bad had also halted my work. As you know (if you read to my little notes at the end of my chapters) that my brothers birthday was coming up. Which was the 14th, so Valentine's Day. I also planned to pick everything up and post on the day, so I didn't have to worry. But, on the night of the 13th, the day before my brothers birthday, I found him in his room crying, as his best friend just ended his own life. Of course me and my mom comforted him as best we could but he was clearly broken from this.

I decided I was gonna take a few days off to just help him, and not just a break from Wattpad, a break from every social media platform. I'd been gone for around four days on each. But I didn't plan ahead so now I'm kinda stuck, as my other uncles wedding is in 4 days and will last around 3.

Main point of me telling you this is I don't want you to think I'm purposely putting off this story (I know how dedicated you guys are). Real life events are sometimes more important to take care of.

Another note; if you or a friend is suicidal, don't be afraid to talk with someone. Wether that be a parent, teacher, friend, they will help you if you need help. Not everyone lives in good places, so if you can't talk to anyone you know personally, call the suicide hotline number. 1-800-273-8255 is the number.

Don't be afraid, I know it's hard to talk with someone you don't know, it's nerve racking, I get it. But please, give it a shot if you really need to. Call the number, they may ask you to wait a bit, they'll pick up, and just say what's on your mind. They won't judge you, and they'll help you if you need help.

Stephen x hosuh| I knew you loved me Where stories live. Discover now