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Hosuh POV

I finished up my food, pushing my mostly clean plate to the middle of the table.

Stephen was on his phone when he noticed that I had finished. He smiled and got up, taking out his wallet and walking towards the front counter.

I gave a confused look. "What? I'm paying."

"Why?" I asked "I've got money." I said with concern.

"You worry to much, I've got it covered Hos." Stephen said with a wink, heading over to the counter and talking to one of the employees.

I glanced at him and then to my phone, about an hour had passed since we came here, what could he have possibly planned?

I cleaned up the table a bit as to make the waitresses work a bit easier, before walking towards the door, of course waiting for Stephen.

He looked away from the cashier, I assumed he'd finished paying, so I began to walk out to the car.

"So, you gonna tell me eventually?" I asked in anticipation.

"Well, you'll see soon, as we're heading there now." Stephen said, starting the car up.

"Hmm? What would be be open this early?" I inquired.
"That's the thing! I called for us to go early, so not many people will be there."
"Ah, cause nobody likes social interaction?" "Precisely." Stephen said with a laugh.

(Time skip)

I laid my head against the glass window as songs blared out of the car radio. I hummed along with the melody, but not so loud that Stephen could hear.

A welcoming building caught my eye, it was painted a light blue with a dark blue roof.

Stephen started to pull in the parking lot of the same building.

I looked back at him, giving a confused look, as I expected to go to some sort of movie theater.

Stephen simply smiled and opened the door "c'mon."
I pushed away the weird feeling and just rolled with it, opening the car door to get out.
I covered my eyes with my hand as the sun beams hit my sensitive eyes.

I felt Stephen grab my hand, quickly, but I could tell he was trying to be gentle. We began to make our way to the building, Stephen leading the way, while I steadily followed behind him.

Stephen pushed open the front glass door, it jingling as I realized that bells were attached to it.
A pine-like smell hit my nostrils, it was slightly intense.

A women walked up to Stephen and greeted herself. "Are you the two who signed up?" "Yup!" Stephen said with confidence.

"Alright! Follow me!" The women said cheerfully, leading a way to the back room where a wooden door was.

I followed her as she pushed the door open and walked through, only to be met with the sound of fans going and people chattering.

It was a room with some carpets in the middle as people were leaning over and petting cats and kittens as the roaming the room.

"Have fun guys!" The women called, leaving the rooms and winking.

I gasped as I saw all the cats. Tiny fluff balls prancing around the room. Most were kittens but some were fully grown adult cats that ranged in colors.

Stephen bent over, picking up  a tiny white Persian kitten that had wobbled over, handing the tiny bundle of fur to me.

Stephen POV

Hosuhs eyes lit up as I handed him the tiny kitten. The thing literally looked like a slightly larger cotton ball with a face.

I eyed him as he huddled the kitten close to his face. I smiled at his happy expression, which soon turned to surprise as the tiny kitten made his way out of Hosuhs hands to his shoulder.

I laughed at how curious the cat was, but I took a moment to admire Hosuhs happiness. It feels amazing to see his smile.

"Hey, c'mon, let's see the others." I said pointing to the center of the room, where most of the cats were.

Hosuh looked at me, his eyes wide as he nodded excitedly. He placed the kitten back down as we made our way to the middle.

We sat down on the floor, looking at all the different cats waiting for some to come to us.

A scruffy black kitten trotted over to us. I reached my hand out to pet it, before it tried to bite my finger, which made Hosuh laugh.

"Feisty, huh?" I said squinting my eyes at the kitten. "Just like you." Hosuh laughed, reaching his hand out to pet the kitten. I snickered.

Once again I reached out my hand before it actually bit my finger, but it wasn't very painful, just like a nibble. "I'll call you.... bastard."  Hosuh laughed at my remark.

'Bastard' went over and hid behind Hosuhs leg, eyeing me.

I rolled my eyes and started petting another cat that had wandered over, a really pretty calico.

I turned my attention to my phone for a few minutes, letting hosuh pet all the cats before I heard hosuh laugh, "Stephen! Help me!" Followed by giggles.

I looked up to see hosuh on his back, multiple cats surrounding him and some climbing him.
My eyes widened at the sight.

I started snickering as more of the cats piled on him. I felt my face heat up, his laugh was adorable. It reminded me of what I was going to do later, which sparked back up my nervousness.

I closed my eyes and breathed, I'll just enjoy the moment.

WOOOO OKAY SO. Sorry for such along weight, me and my brother are much better now. Thank you for all the support in my explanation. I hope you guys like this chapter I tried to make it as cute as possible

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