On our way

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(1197 words) (little bit of Dan x Jay in here, so if you don't like it, just ignore it and pretend they are just really affectionate friends)

Daniel and the rest arrived at a restaurant, they weren't looking for anything specific as Stephen and jay were very picky about what they ate.

They eventually compromised to go eat at some burger joint they've never heard of, but was conveniently near the haunted house/mansion

They walked inside, looking around, they had never been inside this particular burger joint before, it must've been somewhat new, or maybe it was just to far to drive for most people, as it was kind of isolated from any other place besides a few other nearby stores. They sat down at a booth, Jay and Daniel on one side and hosuh and Stephen on the other.

"Hello! Welcome, my name is Jessie, I'll be will be serving you today, what drink would you like to start off with?" Asked the young female waitress, quickly pacing toward their table while placing down 4 menus.

"I'd like a water with lemon." Dan said, "same here." Hosuh said with a sigh. "Okay, and what about you two?" "A coke please" jay answered quickly.

Jessie nodded and jotted down the order on a note pad, looking over to Stephen. a couple seconds of silence went by, Stephen was looking down nervously. Stephen didn't know why, but he had a bad feeling about this trip.

"Stephen?" Dan asked, Stephen shot his head up, surprised "sorry, sorry, i- I'll just take a sweet tea." Stephen said, sighing with relief and placing his head in the palm of his hand.

The waitress went back over to the counter to start filling the drinks.

Everyone looked over at Stephen, concerned, why was he acting like this? "Yo Stephen, you alright?" Jay asked.

Stephen sighed "I'm fine, just tired, I've been a little under the weather recently."

Jay mouthed a 'oh' and nodded,turning to talk with dan, they had a good amount of catching up to do after all.

Stephen flipped carelessly through each page of the menu, scanning over the pictures at the bottom and seeing which one looked good. He closed the menu, finally finding something that caught his interest ; grabbed his phone out of his pocket and started browsing through his Instagram.

Stephen felt Hosuhs head lay against his arm, and wrapping his arms around Stephen's own arms as some sort of comfort.
Without caring, Stephen instinctively laid his head against hosuhs.

He felt his nervousness die down the longer that hosuh held on to him. Hosuh didn't know why he laid against Stephen, he just felt like he needed to, which he felt stupid for doing, but honestly, he didn't care.

They stayed like that for a couple minutes, both of them watching Stephens phone as they browsed through his page, before Stephen noticed the now growing awkward silence, he looked up to see Dan and Jay snickering while looking at him and Hosuh.

Stephen felt his face heat up, so he straightened his posture and lightly removed his arm from Hosuhs grasp.

Hosuh looked up to see Stephens embarrassed expression. 'Why did I do that' Hosuh thought to himself, feeling more embarrassed than ever, he sat up and scooted away from Stephen in return, both of them looking in opposite directions.

"Here are your drinks, sorry for the wait, we were out of ice and I had to grab some from the back." Jessie said nervously "you're fine." Dan responded. "You guys ready to order? She asked, Stephen was the first to answer "yes- I'll have the grilled chicken burritos." "I'll have just a regular burger." Hosuh said
"Me and him will share a cheese pizza, please" Dan said, motioning to Jay. "Okaaayy, I'll be back with your food in a minute."
Jessie winked at dan before leaving.

(Little bit of DanxJay moment ahead)

Dan smiled at Jessie as she walked away, believing it was simply a 'good luck' wink, jay saw it a different way.

He huffed, staring at Jessie angrily as she walked away, he balled up his fist on the table, and looked out the window to his right.

Jay was a lot more blunt and honest with himself, so he faced the fact he liked Dan, but of course, he would never tell Dan directly.

He never really felt any type of jealousy over a person before, but now that he knew the feeling, he obviously didn't like it very much. Jay quickly, and silently, slipped his hand over dans, and grabbed it firmly. Jay looked out the window the whole time while doing so, his face slightly red.

Dan looked down at his hand as soon as he felt jays hand touch it, he laughed quietly and parted his fingers and wrapped them around jays.

He snickered as Jay looked over to him, bright red. Dan lifted his free hand and rubbed jays hair, making Jays face flush a brighter color of red.

He put his hand down as soon as he heard Jessie coming back.

(Okie back to normal story line -v-)

Jessie placed  down their food, "thank you." Hosuh said, tired. "It's no problem at all." She responded, walking back to the register.
Stephen and Hosuh were the most quiet, while dan and Jay chatted while shoving pizza in their mouths and laughing.

Stephen rolled his eyes 'so jay and dan can be flirty with each other, but the moment me and hosuh interact, were automatically cute?'

Stephen sighed and just continued eating, taking his mind off the subject.

He admitted that the food was pretty good, he was actually surprised, he would think it would've been decently popular, apparently not. 'Ugh, I don't care anymore'

Hosuh sat in silence, watching jay and dan laugh, feeling a bit sad.

He picked at his food, bored. he felt his heart start to ache, at this point, he was positive Stephen didn't feel the same way.

'I shouldn't care, I've been friends with him for YEARS, why can't I just go back when I didn't have feelings, and we were just friends.' Hosuh thought.

Starting to feel tears welling up In his eyes, but he remained strong, he didn't want to show his sadness, the last thing he wanted was to let his group down because of the way he felt.

Hosuh finished his food and just sat and stared into nothingness. He was just ready for the day to be over, before he remembered that they were going to this "haunted" house.

He sighed again, and slouched in his seat. He felt a hand on his shoulder.

He turned his head to see Stephen looking at him, smiling at him. "Hey Hosuh, you alright?" Hosuh didn't know how to respond
"Uhm- yea, yea, why?" "Dunno, you seem- nervous.." "well I guess so." Hosuh said shyly, kinda stunned, 'how did he change so quickly?'
"Well, then forget about it, it's only 2 o clock, we've got a full day to spend before-" Stephen cut off and looked at Hosuh menacingly, "before you're doom."

Hosuh snickered, "you aren't scary, Stephen!" Stephen laughed. "You'll be scared later when you nearly have a heart attack over a gust of wind." Stephen smiled smugly. "Oh, whatever!" Hosuh said, laughing.

Wooo okay, sorry this chapter took so long to publish, I kept re- reading it and thinking over certain sentence I wanted to change and it was just a big mess in general, but hopefully this is fairly organized lol. Art is made by me btw

Stephen x hosuh| I knew you loved me Where stories live. Discover now