XXVII. A Girl Like Me

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Did I know what I was about to do? Definitely not. Will I still do it? Of course. The uber stops by the university entrance punctually and I get in in a rush, afraid anyone could spot me leaving. I had a free morning once again, I had no shootings to do nor any paperwork to look at until 2 p.m. Time to do something pointless and dumb.

The ride could've taken three hours and I wouldn't have noticed, my mind was floating across my logical thinking like a stranger passing by. I only recognize we had reached downtown when the driver finally stopped the car.

After I pay and leave the car, I walk decidedly towards the pet shop in the commercial center. I didn't know what I was doing really. My body was still high on the rage from last night and my brain was flooded with all the things I wished I had spit on Sawyer's face. As if I was a teenager for him to control with whom I have sex with.

I walk in as two young attendants played on their phone carelessly behind the glass counter, putting it down after they hear me getting in. The taller one opens a smile. "Hi, welcome to Paws. How can we help y-"

The short pink-haired girl gets up from where she was, holding her friend's arm. "Oh my God! Are you Reed Morgan?!" She asks.

"Guilty," I say trying to seem at least a little bit excited, smiling politely. No reason to ruin somebody else's day.

"I'm Clarice and I love you in 1953 and Michael Fassbender..." she holds her chest with a smile. "I've read the books like a hundred times and I cry each time."

"Thank you. I'll let Abigail know about it, don't worry," I say and she celebrates with a squeak.

Her friend pulls her to the side while clearing her throat. "As I was saying... can I help you, Miss Morgan?"

"Yes! What animals do you have up for adoption?"

"Oh, many!" Clarisse answers. "Dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, hamsters, Guinea pigs, rats, rabbits, did I say birds? Oh and turtles!"

The other one sighs. "What would you be interested in?"

I really didn't know what I was doing. "Guinea pig?"

"Sure, our female just gave birth to three babies, two males, and a female."

I smile. "Sounds just perfect to me."


Ryan takes his headphones off and crosses his arms laughing. "What on earth are you doing Reed?"

"I'm asking myself that too" I answer as I make my way to my dorm, my hands cluttered with the pet carrier and bags of everything Guinea Pig related. "Can you help me?!"

He rushes to grab the carrier from my hand. "Who is this?" He asks looking into it.

"Them. Guinea pigs."

"What?!" He laughs.

"Peanut, the male, and Pretzel, the female. Both neutered and health checked by the vet," I say proudly. My own life might be a disaster, but at least my pets would be in check.

He follows me as I walk. "Such creative names."

"My second favorite Hershey's flavor."

"Not surprised. But, uhm, can you even have pets in here?"

"I don't know! Which is why you have to walk faster!" I say with urgency.

"Alright!" He says quickening his pace.

"Hey! Careful, they're babiesss."

"Calm the fuck down! Remember you're Reed, the calm, collected and wise producer."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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