II. My Tighty Whities

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I stood against the pillar in shock for a couple more seconds.

When I was able to breath normally I sped toward the door and ran out into the hallway. I looked down the banister and Sawyer was nonchalantly skipping down the stairs with a smile on his face.

"Sawyer!" I yelled, and he flinched in fear of something being flung toward him, which was a pretty good idea.

He looked up at me scared. And almost as fast as he had stopped he smiled. "What's wrong Reed?" He coyly asked, "you don't want to meet him anymore?"

I tried giving my best serious face, but it was proving to be difficult. I heard someone clearing their throat behind me. I turned around to see the West's - a little old acting couple that were big in the 40's- staring at me with wide eyes. After about ten seconds of awkward glances I remembered that I was'nt wearing any pants. With horror I looked down to see my little tighty whites exposed to them. I hunched over to try to cover myself and rushed to the rail to see Sawyer laughing as he made it to the bottom of the steps. I looked back at Harry and June, who were still eyeing me, and apologized for my indecent exposure.

The rest of the week was spent on meetings with budget managers and set designer's, along with Sawyer of course, as well as trying to calm myself for when I met Mads.

I had had a crush on Mads Mikkelsen since I was fifteen. My Film Studies teacher was doing a week of foreign films where he would play clips of foreign films from all over, and when we made it to Denmark, it was no surprise that he picked one that had Mads Mikkelsen in it, Adams Apple's. After school I asked my teacher if I could borrow the movie and I watched it three times. It was a crush and I followed his work from there on after.


"I'm so nervous. What if I say something completely stupid to him?" I asked with my head on the table.

"Reed. I am sure you will be fine. He is a human being, and you are a human being, just remember there is nothing special about him." Abigail, my friend and co-star from the movie 1953, said as she flipped through the pages of the cafe menu.

"But there is something special about him! He is an amazing actor and let's not forget that he is utterly handsome."

Abigail looked up from the menu and smiled. "Well I know that. I mean his face is perfect!"

"Thanks for the support." I mumbled through the table cloth.

I was going to meet Mads the next day and I was a bit of a mess to say the least. I wasn't particularly obsessed with Mads, but I did spend most of my teen years watching him on the screen, and imagine meeting the person that you look up to, but not only that but when you meet them you have to kiss them and even have sex with them...or at least act out having sex with them. It was too much pressure, and since I pinkie swore I couldn't back out.

"I'm telling you the truth. Listen, you might think he is the sexiest man alive, but to be able to work with him you have to think hat he isn't. Think about him farting or something."

Picking up the menu that was laid out in front of me I scanned what I wanted to eat. "Gee, such words of wisdom."

"Hey! Don't laugh. That's what I did. My whole family LOVED Michael Fassbender and then I had to do sex scenes with him. Imagine how I felt. Imagine how my family felt. Haha I just imagined him picking his nose every time I felt over whelmed."

That was Abigail. She was calm, cool, and collected, something I noticed was a rarity in this field of work. She was nineteen years old and just as insightful as my grandmother. She was also a good friend, someone I could talk to when I didn't want to talk to Sawyer.

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