VII. Lavender Mint

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Week one was done. Thank God.

Because of the awkward situation that I had put myself into at the corner store a couple of days prior I was in no mood to do anything but shoot a scene, eat lunch, shoot another scene, maybe re-shoot another and then go straight to my room. I did my best to avoid Mads when unnecessary but he seemed to be wherever I planned on being. As it is, it was hard to try to sneak smoking a cigarette or two without Sawyer knowing, and it was even harder avoiding two people at once.

If that wasn't enough the scene where Mads and I kissed was moved up sooner than I had expected and I had not prepared mentally at all. Since all of the scenes I had to shoot that day did not include Mads I wasn't as stressed as I could have been. Although I saw him at lunch I was able to sneak behind a trailer and smoke a cigarette quick enough to calm my nerves.

As the day ended I made it to my room, took a very warm shower and then laid down. My stomach in knots I decided to head over to to Sawyers room. I made sure that no one was in the hallway before I snuck out.

Knocking on the door I thought back to the day Sawyer came into my apartment to tell me that the movie was going into production. Right before I got too nostalgic he swung the door open.

"Reed. What a pleasant surprise." Sawyer sounded genuinely shocked and I noticed how he was a little dressed up to go somewhere.

"...Umm yeah. I just thought we could just be together, unless you were going to do somethin-"

"No! No, no. I was just uhhh I don't know umm come in." He said holding the door wide enough for me to walk in. Sawyer closed the door and rushed past me to clear his bed for me to sit down. I noticed his room was slightly larger than mine but I didn't say anything.

"Are you okay?' Sawyer asked getting comfortable next to me.

"I don't think so. I'm just a little stressed out. That's all."

He didn't say anything at first so I made myself even more comfortable by laying back into the pillows and getting under the covers.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?"

Sleeping with Sawyer was not something out of the ordinary. I enjoyed laying down next to him because that's when he seemed to radiate the most heat, and I always got colder at night. We seemed to balance each other out so it only made sense.

I guess not only that but there was something peaceful about laying in the arms of someone you know loves you. It was something that always calmed me.

"Are you sure you were'nt going anywhere?" I asked again not knowing if I was ruining some plans he had.

"No, I just haven't had the chance to take off my clothes from today and I was just going to talk to one of the assistants about checking out the allergies of one of the actors."

And he told me he wasn't a good actor.

I would have even believed him if he wasn't in fact wearing a completely different set of clothes on and didn't smell like the lavender mint bath soap that I bought him before we left to start filming.

"Just give me a second." He said as he grabbed his phone from the TV stand and txted someone. When he seemed satisfied with the txt that he composed he set his phone down and started to undress. He stripped down to his boxers, and feeling a bit overdressed in my sweatpants and large t-shirt I took off the sweatpants.

Right when he was about to get in bed with me his phone buzzed. He hesitated to get it but then decided not to.

The only light in the room came form the lamp that was near the bathroom, so although I couldn't see his face that well I had looked at him enough to get a good picture of how he was smiling just then.

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