Chapter 2

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"Last patient of the day!" Camryn, my dear assistant and best friend chirps as she tucks the files of the woman we just saw, young and glowing with positive pregnancy test in hand, into her chart. "You excited?"

"I think I've had enough excitement for one day." I laugh. "After all, I did get called in for two extra emergency C-sections."

"Oooh, how did those go?"

"Not too bad. Both of them ended up with healthy, happy babies. Though the one with twins worried me for the slightest second; the cord was tied around one of their necks and I couldn't get the other one out without squeezing the baby's neck even tighter. Her heart stopped for a moment, but both of them are doing well right now and mama's happy." 

"You know, I still don't get why you don't want to have kids, being an obstetrician and all. You literally get to experience the miracle of birth on a daily basis." she points out.  

"It gets boring after a while, in my opinion."

"What? Are you serious?"

"Hey, just because you're baby-crazy doesn't mean I have to be." Camryn already had two children, a cherub little boy and girl, and she was trying for a third with her lovely husband, Lorien.

"Oh hush up." She bats me with her sleeve. "Can we not talk about my personal life in public?"

"As long as you don't bring up mine."

Just then, a nurse pops in, peeking her head around the door. "Dr. Carlton, your patient's here."

"Alright. Tell them I'll be in a few minutes. You got her chart, Ryn?" I say, turning to her.

"Yep, it's right here." She pats a manilla folder with colored tabs of all sorts sticking out.

"Alright. Give me patient history." 

"Twenty-seven year old female, last name Hiddleston, 16 weeks pregnant, came in requesting ultrasound to see fetus development and find out gender." Camryn recites. I stop abruptly.

"Wait, last name again?"

"Hiddleston." she repeats. 

A sheen of sweat breaks on my face. Surely, it can't be...?

"Hiddleston's a common surname, isn't it, Ryn? In England?"

"It's pretty common." she says, shrugging. "Why?"

"Nothing. I was just curious." I reply, straining to keep my voice at a normal. It definitely wasn't him. It couldn't be; there were so many better hospitals in London than St. Mary's.

But remember, the royal family gives birth here, a voice reminds in my head.

"Shut up!" I yell, not realizing the whole hallway had stopped to look at me. Camryn glances at me, worry in her eyes, and touches my arm.

"You alright, Reyna?" 

"Yes, yes. I'm fine." I gulp, straightening my coat and smoothing my hair down. We come in front of the closed door, and I knock once, before stepping in.  

The first thing I notice even before I open the door are the raised voices. A rough, male one, and a female one, too sickly sweet for its own good. They're talking in low, harsh whispers, so I can't make out what they're saying, but the tears in the woman's voice can be heard even from here. Ryn clears her throat, and the couple jump away from each other, the man taking a seat in a chair adjoining to the exam table and the woman on it regaining her composure.

I see her first. Pin-straight, caramel hair, framing a face with startling green eyes heavily lined in makeup. Curvy, but not overweight, and wearing what looks like a man's silk shirt with leather leggings. How she managed to put those on with a stomach as big has hers, only she knows. She makes a weak attempt at a cough, trying to hide the lump in her throat, but it doesn't work. A glittering ring is on her right hand, the rock as big as my fingernail, and the way she places her hand on her legs, it's almost as if she's showing it off. The man audibly huffs, and I turn to look at him.

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