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Aubree's Pov

Nearly two years later, my life was finally getting back on track. After that whole ordeal, I spent about 3 months in a coma, and healing in the hospital for a few more. I was so hurt that I missed so much time with my newborn and my family. The doctors said that my body had been in so much trauma that it went into shock. They had no idea how long I would be out. But I finally woke up.

Me and August decided to move far away from Chicago and out of Illinois completely to start fresh. Of course every damn body followed us. My sister, Kenny, Kameron, Xavier, you name it all moved down to Texas with us. Kenny And his lady literally stays on the same block as us and everybody else not far at all.

Me and August both found good jobs and  good schools to enroll the kids in. I found a wonderful therapist out here too as well. Mentally, I would probably never be the same from everything King put me through. I started getting terrible panic attacks and being in the house alone was very hard for me in the beginning but I'm getting through it.

I also found out some horrifying news when I got out my coma. Somehow King had gotten me pregnant while I was pregnant with Jayla. During one of the many times he raped me. They could tell by all the scarring that I was being sexually abused by the hands of my kidnapper. So by August being my husband they told him the circumstances and let him choose to terminate the pregnancy while I was in a coma.

I don't believe in abortion but for the sake of my family, I couldn't be upset that he chose that decision for me. I don't think I would be able to look at the child and not painfully think about how she/he came about.

Me and August sex life just lifted back up, I felt humiliated that he knew the details of what King used to do to me. The slightest touch would cause my anxiety to raise. I'm so happy August understood and didn't mind giving me the time to heal.

As for my kids, they were smart and amazing. The boys were 8 years old already, and Jayla was already two. She was definitely a busy body! Everybody had a time keeping up with her, and she was too intelligent for her own good!

I smiled as I watched them all play in the background. The boys looked more and more like King everyday, it hurt to no end seeing him in them. The man I used to love, the man that I killed. He haunted my mind very often, especially in my sleep. But, I fought him off constantly, I was the strongest that I had ever been and he could never take that away from me.

I decided not to lie to the boys, they knew August wasn't their real father and that King had died. When they were old enough to understand I wouldn't keep the full truth from them. They deserved to know.

I looked out all my family as we joined together and celebrated Jayla's 2nd Birthday. Also, the anniversary of King's death. I hated that my child's birthday would always have that twisted fact hanging over my head. But, I stayed positive and I kept those dark feelings at bay.

I loved King with all my heart, but he needed to go. He would've stopped at nothing to tear my beautiful family apart. We had good times, but all the bad ones, the killing, the beating, the raping overshadowed all the good days and all the love. I stared and smiled at all the people that stood by my side, that truly loved me, that never ever would hurt me.

I would sacrifice everything to keep them safe, this is what's worth keeping. King, you were not. I thought in the beginning I could change you, that my love would make you a better person. I'm sorry that I broke our promise. But, I am no Thug's Keeper.


WOW, OH MY GOD! I am in tears. I started this book when I was about 14, and now I'll be 21 this year lmao. I have grown so much as a person and writer and I absolutely started to hate this book.

Sure it was entertaining and many people like it but I changed and matured so much, I got an enormous writers block for yearssss. But, a couple of days ago. I was interacting with some girls on twitter, and we were sharing our stories. And they literally gave me the boost to finish this. Because, I know I disappointed a lot of people by not finishing. So If I do have any more readers, this book is Finally finished!!!

I Love you all, and I thank you so much for supporting my 14 year old self who was starting off fresh with crazy ideas, and random thoughts that I began to type up.

I'm working on this other book, that I'm taking so seriously, that I'm not even posting on here until I'm damn near done. I don't want to disappoint anybody with my terrible writers block either. I do feel like my next one is going to be worth getting published, and I'm super excited. I will let y'all know when it's up, if anybody is interested in any more of my work.

Thanks for the support, and I hope y'all won't be too mad at the ending. I know some of y'all are Die hard #TeamKing, but this is how I chose to end it! Please comment on the ending, or curse me out for being gone for so long, talk y'all shit! I definitely deserve it 😂.

I will be editing the book ALOT, and it's been brung to my attention that a chapter got deleted so I'll be trying to fix that as well!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2020 ⏰

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