The First Step

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It was a long dinner. There was a lot to talk about between the ex-lovers, a lot of things left unsaid because of all the shit that went down in the past few years they were apart. The biggest question that loomed over their heads was where do they go from here?

"What do we do now?" Beam mumbled softly, his fingers scratching absentmindedly at the tablecloth's embroidery.

Forth was silent for a while, basking in the glow of the candlelight and staring at Beam's face. After Beam hugged him, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders but... one hug and one explanation couldn't fix the rift between them just like that.

"I'm a terrible person, Beam," Forth said finally, "We obviously can't go back to the way things were, no matter how much I want them to." Forth reached over held one of Beam's hands gently. "But I want you to know one thing,"

Beam looked up finally, eyes boring into Forth's.

"I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you."

Beam sighed, heart still burdened but lighter because of Forth's honesty? Mere presence? Beam still didn't know for sure.

"Okay," Beam replied. "Okay."


"We're going camping!" Wayo announced happily the next morning over breakfast.

Wayo was full of energy, eyes twinkling happily at last night's events. Beam and Forth had gone straight to bed after their dinner, neither looked particularly happy but no one was angry or crying – a win, all things considered. The first step on a path to healing their broken relationship.

"Yo," Ming said exasperatedly, "We're staying in a swanky resort hotel and you want us to go camping?"

"Yep!" Wayo replied, "This resort offers overnight camping at a nearby mountain, maybe twenty minutes away by tuktuk."

Kit made a face, "You mean camping like pitching tents and stuff? That doesn't sound appealing at all."

Phana nodded his agreement, "Won't that be too much of a hassle, N'Yo? I mean, we're leaving tomorrow evening."

"Not at all, it's all been set up by my dad. No need to bring anything aside from our personal items." Wayo pouted and sighed. "Well, I can tell the guide to cancel if P'Pha is against it..."

Ming and Kit looked at each other knowingly. They knew Phana couldn't say no when Wayo started pouting and looking dejected.

"..well," Phana cleared his throat, slinging his arm over the back of Wayo's chair. "I guess one night won't be so bad."

The smile that appeared on Wayo's face was blinding. "Yay! You don't need to worry about anything, I promise. It'll be fun!"

Two doors simultaneously opened, revealing a sleepy Beam and Forth. Beam sluggishly made his way to the breakfast nook and plopped down into a seat next to Kit. Forth smiled at Beam's half-awake state, following behind him closely, worried that he might trip or bump into something.

"What'll be fun?" Beam asked, yawning.

"Are we going somewhere?" Forth added, grabbing a piece of toast from Ming's plate and chewing on the edge.

"Camping, apparently," Ming grumbled, give his best friend the stink eye. "I wanted to stay here, bask in the glorious penthouse suit Uncle lent us but no. Ai'Yo wants to go camping. P'Pha was initially against it..." his voice trailed off, narrowing his eyes at traitor Phana.

Phana ignored his junior Campus Moon and innocently smiled. "I am easily convinced."

Forth smiled and shook his head. "Still can't say no to N'Yo, Ai'Pha?"

"No," Beam and Kit said at the same time, rolling their eyes.

Wayo stopped inhaling his pancakes and grinned. "We leave at 3pm, get packing!"


A/N: I might actually finish this story. Hi readers! *hides*

WavesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora