Chapter 9

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After your public appearance everything went quite well for you. You had some beautiful six months together doing everything a normal couple did. Of course you still had to be careful that the press didn't crash your date every time. But you could go out and spend a nice time together even though there were fans taking pictures of you. You knew they supported you. The haters didn't become silent but you learned to ignore the bad voices. You were really happy because you had a loving and caring boyfriend and also gained a bunch of good friends. But as life is, those happy times weren't meant forever.
You were lying on the couch and waited for Yoongi to come home from his studio. You heard how he unlocked the door and you sat up. He went into the kitchen and drank a glass of water before he came to you to give you a kiss. He sat down next to you and snuggled close to you. He moved his body so he could place his head on your lap. "Baby, what's wrong?", you asked as you saw his stressed face. He sighed and rubbed his eyes. "It's just..", he tried to explain and stopped, "it's just the work. There's so much pressure on me." You smiled hurt and ran your fingers through his hair making him relax. "I know, but I'm here for you", you said and kissed his forehead. He nodded and shut his eyes again. "You know I'm going on tour for six months next week", he said and looked at you. "Yes, I know", you said and faked a smile, "it'll be hard." He agreed and gave you a worried look. But something was strange. He didn't seem to worry about the hardships of the tour for him, he seemed to be worried about you. You frowned and brushed that thought aside.
Time skip
Tomorrow was the day when you had to say goodbye to Yoongi for whole six months. The last days you've spent most of the time together enjoying every second you got. He had his suitcase packed and everything was ready for the tour. Suddenly you got a message from him on your phone. But before you could read it he even called you. "Hey", you said smiling through the phone. "Hey", he said and you could hear how exhausted he already was, "we need to talk. I'll be there in ten minutes." And with that he hung up. He seemed so serious and worried. You were scared what he had to tell you. Maybe he had to go longer on tour than they had planned.
When he arrived you opened the door and let him in. Pure blankness was written all over his face. You furrowed your eyebrows and wondered why treated you that cold not giving you a hug or a kiss. You stood in the hallway looking at each other awkwardly. "What did you want to talk about?", you asked in a quiet voice. He looked down and cleared his throat. "You know, you're right", he said blatantly and you looked at him confused not sure what he meant. "Right about what?", you asked. "That I'm a bad boy who uses girls as toys", he said coldly glaring at you, "I lied when I said I was going to prove you wrong." You chuckled bitterly and shook your head. "No, that's not true, Yoongi", you said as his words seeped through to you. "I had my fun with you. But now I want to be free and have fun on tour", he spit, "and I don't want to miss any opportunity because of you." You were shocked by his words. This wasn't the Yoongi you knew. He grabbed his suitcase and turned to the door. "It's over", he whispered and you could swear his voice was slightly shaking. He shut the door and the noise resounded throughout the empty apartment. Tears filled your eyes and your legs slowly gave in. You sank on the floor and cried your heart out. You felt helpless and were hurt inside. He had carried your heart on his hands in your relationship. Now he has tossed it on the ground and it shattered into a million pieces. It would take you ages to stick all those pieces back together.

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