Chapter 18: Rescue Mission

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Alex rushed out to help Sabrina up. She had obviously been shot.

He flung her over his shoulder and ran back to the store. It was a slow walk because of all the weight.

Another gunshot.

Alex screamed in pain. His hand began dripping blood all over the floor.

He had been shot in the hand. Almost the head.

Now the walk was worse. But the shooter was about to fire again, so Alex had to speed it up. He began to limp under all the weight and had to take his left hand off of her.

The pain was excruciating.

Luke rushed out to help them until another gunshot went off.

Thankfully, nobody was shot. Now was Alex's chance. He jumped forward and made it into the store. He got up and allowed the others to inspect Sabrina.

Alex ran towards the medical section of the store. He scanned the aisle for anything that could help Sabrina. He noticed jumbo packs of gauze sitting on the top row of the medical section.

He dumped every single one into his arms. He screamed once again because of the contact with his left hand.

"Hurry Alex!!" Kathy yelled.

He rushed as fast as he could towards Sabrina, who was staring blankly at the sky. He slightly pulled up her shirt and put the gauze over her heavily bleeding stomach.

"Hand me some Neosporin!" Alex screamed back to the others.

Luke ran back with Neosporin and handed it to Alex. He basically dumped the whole bottle on her stomach.

He wrapped some more gauze around her stomach, but couldn't take the pain in his hand anymore. He was surprised that blood had not dripped onto the gauze.

Because the blood had dripped all along the medical aisle.

"Try your best to heal her." Alex said while looking at Kathy and Luke. "I can't take the pain anymore."

Luke and Kathy were fast to Sabrina as Alex grabbed a small patch of gauze and wrapped it around his hand. He turned back and ran for Sabrina.

She was staring straight into the ceiling. Barely moving. Alex looked at her.

Suddenly, she began leaning up slowly. She held her stomach down, and looked to the right. She stared at Alex for a brief moment. She looked down at all the gauze and back at Alex.

A small tear crawled out of her eye as she said, "Thank you," in a soft tone.

Then, she fell straight back to the floor.

Luke jumped down to her and checked her pulse.

He looked back at Alex.

"She's still breathing."

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