Chapter 7: A Crazed Farmer

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The road felt deserted. There wasn't a car in sight. Only the still standing street lights and the rare person limping along the side of the road. There were a few buildings here and there, but they were on the highway. So it was normal not seeing too many.

The bus skidded to a stop nearby a few shacks and a barn.

"Give me the gun." Alex said.

Luke looked back and tilted his head. "Why would you want the g..."

"There is a shack full of guns out there. We can get more weapons!" Alex said in a whisper.

"I'll go with him." Bryan yelled in an almost shy tone.

"Alright. Give us five minutes." Alex said.

Alex and Bryan hopped off the bus and headed for the large farm. There were no people in the farm. Just walls and walls of guns.

"Get the machine gun and the pistols over there." Alex asked Bryan.

"You get the double-barrel shotgun and another machine gun." Bryan asked back.

They both grabbed their weapons but were disrupted by a shriek behind them. They turned towards the door.

"You damn kids get away from me guns or I'll shoot yur brains all oveh the walls!" He shouted.

"Look! We don't want any trouble. We want to live just as much as you do." Alex negotiated.

Bryan walked forward with a massive machine gun in his hand. "You listen to me you fat, hairy oaf. I will not take any crap from you."

"Shut yur mouth little kid. Now drop yur guns or I'll kill ya!" The farmer said back.

"Alright! Alright!" Alex yelled as he kneeled to the ground.

Bryan had a different idea.

A gunshot rang through the air as the farmer fell to the ground with a bloody hole in his stomach.

"YOU SHOT HIM!!!! YOU SHOT HIM!!!!!" Alex yelled.

"It was him, or us." Bryan said with a frown.

"What ever happened to your change of heart back there?" Alex questioned.

"We would be dead if not for me. You should thank me."

Bryan was right.

"Alright. Let's get back to the bus and get out of here." Alex said back.

"Good idea." Bryan responded.

The two walked to the bus and noticed another shack full of weapons.

"Hey. Let's check that place out too." Bryan pointed the shack out.

"Oh yeah. Come on." Alex had already walked towards the shack.

They edged through the small door and were staring at a wall of weapons. There was even a flamethrower!

"We hit the jackpot!" Alex yelled.

"I'll grab the flamethrower. You get any gun you want." Bryan said with wide eyes.

Bryan nabbed the flamethrower and stepped outside. Alex picked up a small machine gun and put it under his shirt.

The door slammed shut. Alex turned to see why, but before he could react a wall of flames began burning the door.

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