Vanilla (Joshler)

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"Hey babe," Tyler began.

The couple was holding hands as they walked down the narrow path of the park.

"Yeah?" Josh wasn't particularly paying attention. He was a nature guy, the type of guy who would nearly get into a car reck because a squirrel was crossing the road. So, like the animal lover he was, his gaze was more focused on the family of ducks swimming in the pond a few feet away from them.

"Wanna go get ice cream?" Tyler asked but soon realized he didn't have his boyfriend's full attention.

He kissed his cheek, bringing him out of the trance he seemed to be in.

"Yeah, it's getting kinda dark anyway." Josh smiled.


"Vanilla please" The taller boy ordered.

"How basic." Josh scoffed.

"Opposed to your chocolate? Yeah, you're so creative," Tyler teased.

The two ate their ice cream while they talked about how pretty the sunset was, laughing when Tyler shoved his "basic" vanilla into Josh's face.

Not that Josh minded all that much as he kissed Tyler, successfully getting it all over his face too.

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