The Ring and The Twist

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Victoria's POV
Okay. I think I have the most perfect plan. I don't want my seventeenth birthday to be like all the other days we have to do. I want it to be special. So, I'm not doing fanart and an episode.

I'm doing comic dubs.

I figured it was better than Liadrien, which my cousin had suggested the other day. She actually thought that Lila and Adrien would be a cute couple. And the reason she thought that was because we had only watched five minutes of Volphina and haven't watched the rest. I wanted to scream at her, but instead I breathed deeply and moved on.

I woke up and saw Zach next to me. He had a tray of pancakes that had chocolate chips and M&Ms in them. I smiled.

"Happy birthday, Victoria," he said, handing me the tray.

I smiled and kissed his lips sweetly. "Thanks, babe," I replied.

We ate our pancakes while watching TV. After he put our plates in the kitchen, he handed me a box. I gasped as I open the box. It was a blue water phoenix in the shape of a teardrop. "It's beautiful, Zach. Thank you." I kissed him a couple times before he pulled away.

"You want to see the best part?" he asked.

I nodded eagerly. He pulled out a necklace from underneath his shirt. It is like mine, but it was a fire phoenix and was hanging from the opposite end of the teardrop. He took the necklace and connected with his, making a full circle. I smiled even more, if that was even possible. I almost felt like crying, it's so perfect. I kissed him passionately, pouring every ounce of love for him into that kiss.

A cough interrupted the perfect moment. Maria was standing in the doorway. "When you two are done, we have to leave in fifteen minutes," Maria sighed.

She closed the door and we turned back to each other. He kissed me quickly, teasing me compared to before. I pouted.

"Remind me to tease you with kisses on your birthday," I mumbled.

I got out of bed and put my birthday dress on. I came out of the closet and held my hair up. "Babe, can you do the zipper?" I asked.

He nodded and walked over to me. I shivered at his breath on my neck. He trailed a few kisses up my neck before zipping the zipper on my dress. He smiled and kissed my cheek. He went into the closet and came out in jeans, a t-shirt, and a jean jacket. We walked out of the room and went to the car.

Zach's POV
I looked at Cooper and saw him staring at Victoria. Ugh, he looked like he's mentally stripping her. It's disgusting. I glared at him and he looked away.

We drove to the school and went to the classroom. Almost everyone was there already. I snapped my fingers and we teleported to the theater. Victoria almost fell but I caught her in time. I thought she got a little dizzy after yesterday.

"Okay, people. Today we are going to do something completely different to what we usually do. We are going to watch comic dubs!" Victoria announced.

Everyone cheered. She loaded a video and let it play.

Alya burst out laughing and Adrien smirked at Marinette.

"Plagg, do you really have something to do with the teasing and the nicknames?" Marinette asked.

Plagg shrugged. "Every Chat Noir I've had was very wild and outgoing. Being Chat Noir kinda left a piece of their personality with it. So yeah, it's kinda my fault, but it's also their fault too," Plagg explained.

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