For the fortnight that followed we attended court every day. Which now consisted of the King burning someone.

The King said he was trying to "beat the wolf" out of me. To make me into a true dragon. Through and through. I stood next to the Iron Throne during every single one of his burnings.  

Everyone in court would watch. No one said a word as we all listened to the pained screams and the laughs of my grandfather echoing through the hall.

"My sister is arriving today princess." Jaime spoke as we left the great hall.

"Good for you." I said as I didn't turn to look at him.

"Only for a day. I don't want her to get tangled in the drama that is court." He continued

"Smart man you are." I said as I saw my steward walking towards us

"I forgot his name, what is it again?" I asked

"Ser Andrew McNeary." He answered

"Ser Andrew!" I called as his head shined in the sun as he turned to face me with a bright smile.

"Well Ser Jaime you're dismissed for today. Go and spend time with your sister. You deserve it after everything that's been happening." I told him as he gave a smile.

At the end the poor boy didn't deserve my hate. In the midst of it all he's been the only one trying to help me since I've been back to the Red Keep.

"Thank you Princess." He said as he bowed and left with a large smile as I waved him away.

"Yes Princess?" Ser Andrew said as he wiped the sweat off his forehead.

"I've been wondering if you've been able to find that new handmaiden that I've asked for?" I asked

"Oh yes Princess your guard, Ser Jaime, has charged himself on finding only but the best for you. The girls will be arriving the day after tomorrow." He said as I felt bad at how poorly I had been treating Jaime, and the whole time he's been doing me a favor.

I thought over the words Ser Andrew told me as I scrunched my brows.


"Yes your grace. Four of them from Lys." He said clasping his hands

"Four? I wouldn't know what to do with so many handmaidens."

"The Queen always has at least ten or more at any given time." He offered

"Yes but she is a Queen. I am just a lady."

"Not a lady but a Princess. A Princess of the Seven Kingdoms." He said with great marvel as I only offered him a weak smile

"Very well then. I'll call on you if I have anymore requests." I said to him as he took a bow and left

I walked what remained to get to the Maidenvault and entered its cool halls. I had barely managed to stand on my balcony and look to the horizon when there was banging on my door.

My heart immediately dropped as I looked for something that could be used as a weapon.

"Princess Visenya open the door for King Aerys." I heard Barristen Selmy say from the other side of the door.

I took a deep breath and smoothed my dress before crossing the room. Opening the door revealed my grandfather. His pale eyes looked around my room as I stepped aside for him to enter.

He slammed the door and locked it as I went to go stand by my balcony once again. My back facing the ocean. My heart beat quickly as I began to think of all the things he would soon do to me. We all knew what he did after he burned someone. He would quickly call out that he would have need of my grandmother and disappear to his chambers where her screams filtered through the air.

Visenya Stark ( Game Of Thrones )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora