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James sighed, slightly angry at his brother for choosing 2 days until the battle. James shook his head. Merlin was the highest command now. Not him. Liliths door loomed in front of him. He had asked her father's permission right before dinner. And he had said yes. James knocked nervously on the door. "Come in!" Lilith said from inside.

James walked in, "Hello Lilith." Lilith looked up and smiled.

"Hello James." He walked over to her and planted a kiss on her forehead. He was only an inch higher than her. "Why are you here?" She asked smiling, raising her head to kiss him.

He smiled pulling back slightly, "I have an important question to ask you."

"Aye? And what is that?"

James was surprised she could not hear his heart. He lowered himself to one knee and asked, "Lilith? Will you marry me?"

Lilith gasped, falling to her knees too, "of course I will, James."

James smiled at his now fiancee, "Good." He kissed her, "I love you so much Lilith." He said pulling away, for barely five seconds, and then connecting again.

"I love you too James. More than anything."

"We should probably go tell Merlin." James said quietly.

She sighed, "Fine." She kissed him again.

He rolled his eyes, "Lilith." She smiled teasingly.

"Fine." She sighed again. She opened the door, "Come on."


James knocked on Merlins door. An 'Enter' came from inside. James opened the door, quickly bowing to the crown prince. Lilith curtsied. "Brother. What can I do for you?" Merlin knew exactly why he had come but did not show it other then the happy gleam in his eyes.

"Lilith has agreed to marry me." He said beaming.

"That's great news." He walked over, "welcome to the family, Lilith."

"Thank you Merlin." Lilith said.

Merlins eyes went slightly wide when she called him Merlin instead of his title. He smiled at her. She smiled back. James squeezed her hand. Merlin turned back around and tripped on the corner of his bed. "Merlin?" James said worried, though laughter gleamed in his eyes.

"Ow." He groaned rocking back and forth.

James knelt down beside him, "Are you alright brother?" he laughed.

Merlin breathed out through his teeth, "Mhm."

"Still clumsy as ever." James murmured, standing up.

"Hey." Merlin hit his head lightly. James smirked holding out a hand to help his brother off the ground. Merlin took it graciously, and heaved himself up. "Thank you."

"No problem." James turned back to his fiancee  who was laughing. 

"It was not funny." 

"It was very funny, Merls." James said laughing too. 

"Go away." Merlin said chuckling. 

"Yes, my lord." He gave Merlin a mocking bow and, while quickly dodging  a book, left followed by closely Lilith.


Pierre snuck into his prince's room the next morning, "Time to get up Merls!" He shouted. Merlin groaned and mumbled something. Pierre was immediately lifted off the ground by his heel. "Let me down!" 

"Shhh." Merlin said. Pierre immediately shut up from a silent spell. Merlin was soon snoring again. 

James who had known this would happen walked in, "Merlin." 

"Go away!" Merlin said to his brother.

"You need to get up. Its time for the meeting." James sighed.

"Fine." Merlin looked up at his servant then, leaving him there, went behind his screen to change.

"You need to let Pierre down."

"Nope. He gets what he gets." Pierre glared at the prince as he came out from behind the screen. Merlin smirked at him. 

"At least unmute him." 

Merlin swished his hand and pierre could talk again. "LET ME DOWN!!!!" Pierre shouted. Merlin turned to him a bored smile on his face.


"Because. Im the only one who can tolerate you." 

Merlin rolled his eyes, "Fine. Liberacorpus." Pierre fell onto the floor. "Come on James." James followed his brother out of the room. 


Merlin opened the doors to the throne room where a big table had been moved. All the camelot and Crusia knights were there. They all gave quick bows to the prince's. "Good morning."

"Good morning." Everyone replied. All the chairs were moved so that everyone could move around the table easier. 

Merlin stood at the head, "So the attack. Eoin. Do you have a plan that we could start on?"

He nodded, "Yes sire." Merlin ignored the use of his titled and gestured for him to begin. "Tomorrow, right as the sun dips behind the horizon, we attack. You, Prince James, and a few of my most skilled knights, will sneak in through a secret entrance that we have been working on for a long time. I will lead a mission to attack the front gates with the rest of the knights."

"Distraction" James muttered to none in particular 

He nodded, "Yes."

Merlin looked up from the map, "Good." Eoin smiled at the compliment. "I wish for king Arthur, Gwaine, Will, and," He paused, "Pierre to come with me." 

"It will be done." Eoin answered

Pierre, who had entered a few minutes earlier, looked up "Me?" 

Merlin looked around at him, "Yes. Youre very skilled with a sword."

"Well, thank you, but why?"

"Because," Merlin looked to Arthur who was avoiding his gaze, "I want my brothers to fight beside me." Now Arthur looked at Merlin. "As all of them are." Will and Gwaine smiled at him happily. 

"Me?" Arthur asked quietly. 

Merlin nodded, "Yes, even if you dont believe it." 

Arthur looked at him emotion clear as mud written on his face. "I will fight beside you, Merlin."

"Thank you Arthur." Arthur nodded to him.


Okay. I know I suck. Its been like a full week since I last wrote, and Im sorry.  

Battle begins tomorrow!!! 

Guess on who dies, 

Ill update by Fri!!!

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