Prince Merlin

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(3rd POV)

A knock at the door distracted Arthur. Merlin gave a quiet sigh of relief. 

"Enter." Arthur said slightly irritated. A servant that Merlin didnt recognize opened the door. 

"King Arthur," The servant said slightly cringing at the title. Titles in Crusia were earned not given. Obviously he hadn't earned it yet. "Prince James was wondering if they could move the meeting up an hour. He needs to meet with the crown prince." He gave Merlin a look.

Arthur nodded, "Tell the prince 'of course'." The servant nodpded and left.

Arthur looked at Merlin, "Well?" He threw a cloak over his shoulders and Merlin walked over to him to tie it for him.

"Well what?" 

"Merlin." He said a quiet growl in his voice.

"Fine," He hesitated before backing up and saying, "When I was very young I visited Crucia with my mother. I happened to run into the young prince and his servant Pierre in the market. We ate a meal together and became good friends." Merlin cringed slightly at the lie but shook it off, "Now the meeting is in a few minutes. are we leaving or no?" 

Arthur glared at him slightly, before grumbling a, "Fine." He strode out of the room, Merlin following him.


James sat down at the head of the table. Arthur at his right and Kerwyn at his left. The rest of the knights sat down and listened tentatively as James laid out a plan about how to attack his uncle. Merlin listened in subtly from his spot near the wall. 

After a few minutes James mentioned the crown prince. Arthur looked at him before asking, "When are we going to meet this Crown prince, of yours?" 

Merlin met James eyes before the latter said, "He will decide."

Arthur sighed angrily before turning back to the plans laid out on the table.


"When are you going to tell him?" James asked angrily after the meeting was over.

Merlin shrugged, "I dont know yet, James. Just give me a bit. I still havent seen Mithian."

"Well, you need to tell him soon. I cant keep covering for you." James said annoyed. 

"I will. I promise. Just. Not yet." 

James glared at him before grumbling a, "Fine. Pierre?"

Pierre walked up, "Yes?"

"Take my brother to see princess Mithian." Pierre nodded and started walking to the door.

"Thank you James." James smiled at him.


Merlins stomach twisted and knotted as he followed Pierre to his betrothed room. The prince gulped slightly as they stopped in front of a large, but not as large as his, door. Pierre knocked twice. 'Come in!" A feminine voice called from within. Pierre opened the door as Merlin walked in. 

"Hello, Mithian." Mithian looked up from the book that she was reading and saw Merlin, "Pierre you can go. Thank you." Pierre nodded and disappeared out the door.

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