Chapter 7

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The comfort of the room and the bed treated you well; never in your life had you slept in such luxury. However, your mind treated you otherwise. The sun had not yet risen when you woke up. You couldn't quite recall whether you had a nightmare or not, your eyes just simply shot open, almost out of instinct. A thin layer of sweat covered your forehead, and your breathing was uneasy.

Denethor used to be extremely strict with your punctuality to your daily chores; several times when you were younger you would accidentally oversleep, to which he punished you greatly. Eventually you would automatically wake up before the first light of day, in fear of his 'disciplinary actions'.

You tiptoed to the slightly open door and peeped your head out, all was silent so you retreated back into the room and pulled the curtain open. Everything was dark, apart from a slither of light that began to spread over the horizon. Not long after, a quiet knock was heard on your door, much to your surprise. The door opened and a maid stepped in with a pile of neatly folded clothes in her hands.

"Seeing that you will be staying here for several moons, His Majesty selected some dresses for you to wear. He hopes they are to your liking." she said and smiled sweetly, placing the pile on the bed. "His Majesty also hopes to see you at breakfast in two hours." You nodded in response, thanking her before she bowed and left the room, closing the door behind her.

You approached the pile and admired each garment; all were made of beautiful materials that were smooth to the touch, each dress was a different style, some more formal than others. You took a few moments staring at the clothing; you couldn't believe they were for you. Picking out a simple, rich green dress, you slipped it over your head and let it fall around your body. It fit you comfortably; it was long sleeved with a flattering v-neck collar. You rinsed your face and neatly plaited your hair, trying to look presentable for breakfast.

The maid escorted you through the gardens, and to a clearing in which Thranduil and Legolas were sat at a circular table beneath a cherry blossom tree. Legolas stood on his chair and waved at you frantically, before jumping off and running towards you with open arms. He leaped into your arms and clung onto you like a koala. You pressed a gentle kiss on his forehead and continued your way to the table, sitting in the chair the maid had pulled out for you. Thranduil wore a dark green robe, much like the one you were wearing, and his golden hair resting over his shoulders; you admired how one could look so attractive in the morning.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked, smiling gently at you.

"Yes, thank you very much." you replied, flinching a little as Legolas wriggling around on your lap so that his back rested on your chest.

"Thia, can you teach me archery today?" Legolas pleaded before reaching over and grabbing a bread roll from a plate.

"Umm..." you looked at Thranduil for a response. He nodded.

"Make sure you behave well for Calathiel." he said, keeping his eyes on you. Legolas cheered with delight and kicked his legs, before stuffing his mouth with the bread.

You quickly ate breakfast, as Legolas suddenly became excited about his first lesson. Thranduil tried to hold a conversation with you, several times, however was interrupted every single time by his son who kept asking questions about archery. You couldn't help but laugh at the kings expression every time he had to stop mid-sentence. He promised he would talk to you properly later on, which you felt quite happy about. 

- - -

"Hold it a little higher, like this." you commented, gently guiding Legolas's arm up. He nodded and squeezed one eye shut, concentrating hard on the target. His tongue peaked out from the corner of his mouth, and he released the arrow. It flew through the air and hit the target, a few rings from the center point. He gasped loudly and looked up at you, mouth wide open and hands in the air. 

"I hit it!" he exclaimed. "That's the ninth one!"

"Yes! Well done, Legolas!"

"Soon I'll be better than ada!" he jumped up and down on the spot. You laughed and watched him skip to the target to pull out the arrow. You had been outside in the fields teaching Legolas for about two hours; you first taught him how to make his own bow and arrows, and then showed him how to stand and aim at the target. His concentration face was one of the cutest things you had ever seen.

"I think that's enough for today; we've done a lot." you smiled at him. He nodded and hugged you tightly, saying 'thank you' over and over. You walked back through the field hand in hand, feeling a gentle breeze swirl around you both.

"Thia, do you know how to bake?" Legolas asked out of the blue, gently swinging your hand back and forth.

"Yes, I do. Why do you ask?"

"Well, ada looks really stressed, and I want to make him something to make him happy but I don't know how...and I can't ask ada to help me because then it wont be a surprise."

"I can help you; what do you want to make for him?" you asked, imagining Thranduil with an apron on and cooking.

"Umm..." he frowned at the floor. "He likes apple and almond cake, but he never told me how to make it." He looked up at you with hopeful eyes. You gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

"Come on, I know how to make it."

- - -

Once you had gathered up all the ingredients and utensils you needed in the kitchen, you tied up yours and Legolas's hair up and put on a white apron. It didn't take long until you were both busy with all the ingredients, pouring and mixing and slicing; obviously you left the slicing to yourself.

"So, does your ada cook a lot?" you asked whilst chopping up some apples. Legolas was stirring flour and eggs in a bowl with a wooden spoon with his concentration face on again.

"Yeah, he told me he cooks because he wants to be a good ada, and because nana used to cook a lot." he replied, leaving his eyes glued to the contents of the bowl. He let out a little gasp and looked up at you with glittery eyes. "Guess what ada said! He said that he thinks you're really beautiful!"

You jumped slightly from his sudden remark, and almost ended up cutting your finger off with the knife. You smiled, remembering the words come from Thranduil's mouth from behind the bedroom door. "O-oh, that's very kind of him to say..." you said and placed the knife down, tipping your head a little.

"Thia~ Are you blushing?" Legolas giggled. You felt yourself heat up and you looked at him with wide eyes.

"I am not!"

"You are! You are! Thia and ada are in love!" he laughed loudly and accidently knocked the bag of flour with his elbow. You both let out a startled yelp, and both tried to reach down and grab it before it fell. Unfortunately, you both missed it and it landed on the floor, creating a mini explosion of flour in the air. You looked at each other and burst out laughing, seeing that you had both become covered in white.

"What's all this noise about?" a voice asked. Quickly ceasing your laughter, you turned to the door to see a concerned-looking Thranduil standing there.


I'M SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE! I HAVEN'T HAD ANY TIME THESE PAST FEW DAYS (stupid school) *hugs everyone* I hope this chapter wasn't too crap! XP

What do you guys think? Let me know!

Also what do you guys wanna see more of? More ThranduilxCalathiel moments? More romance? Conflict?

Thank you for reading! Stay tuned!

Chiyo xxx

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