Chapter 9

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To make up for the long amount of time I took off, I've made this chapter a bit longer than the others :) I hope you enjoy! <3

Thranduil's grasp on your hands tightened comfortably, and his magnificent eyes stared into yours.

"As I have mentioned before, Legolas is very fond of you. He hasn't been very affectionate towards other she-elves ever since his mother passed away. I, too, enjoy your company very much." He paused and hesitated, before looking down and muttering something that sounded like 'Oh Valar, I'm not good at this.' He met your gaze once more. A very faint colour of pink tinted his cheeks. "I hope that will stay and consider my kingdom as your home...not only for Legolas, but for me, too..."

Your eyes fluttered with pleasant surprise, your bottom lip trembled into a smile as a wave of emotions rushed through you. "I would like that very much."

As he opened his mouth to speak once more, a guard burst through the door.

"My Lord, forgive my intrusion, however Lord Elrond has arrived with the Nobles. They request your presence immediately." he announced, sounding slightly out of breath as he saluted. Thranduil frowned darkly and sent the guard a threatening glance. The experienced guard only flinched subtly at this, before adding, "It is an emergency. They demand you come right away." Without a word, Thranduil dismissed him with a quick, annoyed flick of his wrist, before standing up and pulling you up with him. He sighed deeply through his nose and looked down at you.

"Forgive me, Calathiel. Ever since your arrival, intrusions have unfortunately become something rather common." You gave him a small, reassuring smile, and he returned it with a grateful one. "I will come back as soon as I can, you may remain here in the meantime. Help yourself to wine, and food if you wish." he said softly, lifting your hand up and pressing his soft lips to your knuckles. He bid you farewell and left, leaving you in his grand chambers.

A soft, airy laugh of amazed disbelief escaped your throat and you placed your hands on your warm cheeks. It took you a few minutes for your blush to go down.

Once it had done so, you fully realised that you were in the bedroom of the king. The King.

This was where he slept, where he relaxed, where he could do the silly things people do when they're alone: perform a solo dance to no music, make unattractive faces in the mirror, walk about the room completely bare. The thought of him dancing and making faces at his reflection made you laugh to yourself.

However, before you let your imagination run astray at the thought of him being naked, you decided to browse his belongings without intruding too far into his privacy.

The first thing that caught your eye was a large, wooden bookcase, holding thick books with worn away spines and aged covers: 'Ancient Arts of Elven Craftsmanship.', 'Legends of Middle Earth.', 'Herbal Healing and Medication.', 'The Adventures of Adanath and the Mystical Ents.'

"What?" your eyes quickly returned to that title before proceeding to browse further. It was thinner than the other books, with a rich, dark golden cover, and the title beautifully traced into the front. On the first page was a drawing of a young boy, who was sat on the shoulder of a tree-being, smiling gleefully as they ventured through woodlands. In large, circular writing on the corner of the page was written 'Legolas.' You smiled, imagining the scenario of Thranduil reading this book to Legolas as a bedtime story, and then placing it on the shelf, once they were done, without thinking of it mixing with all his more complex novels. You set it back on the shelf.

You turned your attention to the desk that was overflowing with paperwork. As you leaned forward to glace over the papers, being extra careful not to knock one of the piles over, a particular piece of paper, that was tucked under a small notebook, caught your eye. Upon lifting the book up, a now-familiar warmth grew within your chest.

On the desk lay a drawing done by Legolas, of himself stood in the between you and Thranduil, hand in hand. You were all drawn with smiling faces, and you couldn't help but laugh at how thick he had drawn Thranduil's eyebrows. That was all very sweet, until you saw another figure he drew a bit smaller, and at the edge of the paper, as though they were stood behind the three of you. This person was also drawn very lightly, like a spirit. It was a golden haired woman, wearing a white dress, smiling with a blue teardrop on her cheek. Next to her face was a small speech bubble, again drawn lightly, with 'Look after them.' written inside.

Not only did you find this rather strange, but it sent a chill down your spine. Who did he draw? Who is she referring to? Your skin suddenly felt cold and you placed the book on the drawing again, before going to the cabinet and helping yourself to some wine. Sitting down on the couch with both hands clasped around the glass, you felt yourself fall into a spiral of thoughts about the drawing. You pressed the cold glass to your lips, filtering the bitter liquid through nervously gritted teeth, in the hope that it would calm you down.

"I will not allow it!" Thranduil's voice boomed from outside the door, making you jump and almost spill the drink. You turned to face the door, trying your best to stay still so you could listen to the commotion. A muffled voice spoke, followed by Thranduil's voice overpowering it with such anger. "I care not what he wants! For as long as I am alive in this world or the other, no harm will come to her! No longer will he damage her with his damned fancies."

'Is he talking about me?' you thought, tracing your tongue across your top lip to wipe away a droplet of wine. The sound of footsteps grew quieter, and the door clicked open. Thranduil stepped in and closed the door behind him, his eyes widening as he looked at you.

"Did you hear that?" he muttered quietly. You slowly nodded and placed the glass on the table, before standing up. He slowly walked to you, gliding his hands up your arms and resting them on your shoulders, dragging out a long sigh. His eyes gazed at you with sadness.

"Is everything alright?" you asked.

Without a word, he reached his arms around your back and pulled you to him gently, pressing his lips to your hair.

"I won't let him take you." he whispered, placing one hand on the back of your neck, and the other on the small of your back, holding you in a warm, protective embrace. Your heart swelled, despite the fact that you weren't entirely sure what he was talking about.

"I'm not going anywhere." you replied softly, resting your hands beneath his shoulder blades. As much as the silence was enjoyable and relaxing, curiosity overcame you. "Thranduil, who is it you speak of?" His body tensed up at your question, and he slowly pulled back enough so he could look at you. His face expression seemed hesitant, sad, and filled with dread. He clenched his jaw and averted his gaze. "Thranduil, please tell me." you urged, feeling an increasing feeling of worry fill you. He took a step back and walked a few steps away from you, running a hand through his platinum hair.

"It's Denethor."

Aaand I'm gonna be a meanie-bo-beanie and leave it there for now! :3

I hope this chapter was worth the long break! What do you guys think? :)

Thank you all for your patience, you're all brilliant!

Stay tuned for the next chapter, and stay amazing <3

Ellie xxx

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