Chapter 6

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The walk to the terrace was in silence, however it wasn't at all awkward. It took longer than you had expected, and you felt slightly embarrassed that you had managed to end up so far away from it.

You eventually approached a set of glass doors, which a servant opened for you, deeply bowing as you walked passed them. The terrace looked over a vast expanse of forests, and mountains in the far distance, and the golden sunset gleamed over it with tinges of blue as the sun dipped lower. On the terrace was a small table with two chairs, and a large sofa bed. Thranduil sat you down at the table, dismissing the servant before sitting himself down.

"My apologies for not being prompt with meeting you; Legolas was rather...excited before falling asleep." He said whilst pouring you a glass of deep, red wine. You smiled to yourself, remembering the conversation between him and his son that you had overheard. He placed the glass in front of you, before proceeding to pour himself one. You raised it up to your lips and took a small taste. A sweet yet bitter flavour coated your tongue, and it was quite pleasant. "Legolas very much wishes you could stay."

"Forgive me." You fiddled with your fingers, remembering that Legolas wanted you to teach him archery. You wished you could, but Granny June didn't leave your mind.

"Tell me, where will you start looking for your loved one?" He questioned, leaning back into the chair and sipping his wine.

" the inn, I suppose. Well, all that is left of it. From there I'll follow the direction she went in."

"And do you know your way to the inn from here?"

You furrowed your eyebrows and tried to remember the journey to get there, but you recalled that the dwarves had dragged you all over the place that you had no clue how far you had ended up.

"I highly suggest you stay." He added, seeing that you didn't respond.

"But my-"

"I understand; one would do anything for the sake of the ones they love, as you said earlier. However, valuable time and energy will be wasted if you wander around with no clue as to where to go."

You slowly nodded and felt your bottom lip wobble at the thought of never being able to see June again. You lowered your head, letting your hair curtain in front of your face. Silently, tears dripped from your eyes and your shoulders trembled.

Thranduil quickly stood up and rushed to your side, crouching down and holding one of your hands in his larger one. With his other hand, he tucked your hair behind your pointed ear and wiped away the stray tears with his thumb. You looked up at him, seeing his eyes wide with worry.

"I am sorry, my lord." you whispered.

"Thranduil." he corrected. A small smile cracked across your face, and you repeated his name. "And please, no apologies. Forgive me, I did not intend to make you cry." You slowly nodded and bit your lip, quietly sniffing and blinking the moisture from your eyes away. His thumb gently caressed your cheek, and his other hand squeezed your hand reassuringly. Out of instinct you flinched at his caring gestures, the reminded memories of Denethor fresh in your mind. Thranduil noticed the flash of fear, and rose up to his full height. "Stand." he gently ordered. You immediately obeyed, quickly jumping to your feet with your hands clasped in front of you and your head tipped down; again, out of instinct.

He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around you without hesitation, resting one hand in the centre of your back, and the other on your head, stroking your hair. Your head rested on his firm chest, beneath his collar bones.

"You fascinate me, Calathiel." he said quietly. You gently frowned and waited for him to ellaborate. "When you arrived, you seemed to show no fear towards me as you defended yourself about the incident with Legolas. And yet now you cower from any movement I make as though I intend to harm you." he paused for a few seconds, before pulling away to look at you, his hands holding your shoulders. "Why?"

The sun had now set and the sky was carpeted with a dark blue blanket, with speckles of white scattered all over it. The illuminating light of the moon made Thranduil's hair glimmer, and highlighted his handsome complexion.

You swallowed hard and fiddled with your finger again, scraping your thumb nail across your index finger nervously. "Correct me if I am wrong, but is it Denethor?" Your nail pressed into your finger, and your throat tightened at his name. You briefly nodded and took a deep breath in. Thranduil looked at you, sighing sadly and shaking his head. "Look at you; so fearful and deserve no such pain." If your eyes didn't wrong you, his eyes looked more shimmery than before. "Let me do something for you; I will send out a search group for your loved one. If you could describe her appearance to me, I will have people go search by tomorrow. Would you let me do that?"

His hand cupped your cheek, and he looked deeply into your eyes. A small smile cracked across your lips and your eyes fluttered. Your body moved before your mind, next thing you knew was you were hugging his torso, and burying your face into his chest. A low chuckle rumbled from within his chest and you felt his arms hug you tighter than before.

"Very well; we can arrange all that tomorrow." he whispered into your hair.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." you mumbled into the fabric of his deep, red robe. "How can I repay you?" He placed a finger beneath your chin and tilted your head up to look at him.

"By staying here, for me-Legolas. F-for Legolas." he replied, quickly stuttering away from his verbal mistake. You pretended not to notice it and you nodded, agreeing to the deal. "It is late, let me take you to your chambers." he smiled and offered you him arm, which you happily took, and walked to your room.

He bid you goodnight, telling you where his room was in case of any emergency, and kissing your hand before leaving. You lit the candle next to the bed and changed into the night dress that had been prepared for you on the bed. Once slipping into the silky dress, you clumsily climbed into the huge bed, snuggling down under the duvet. The coziness immediately consumed you, and you felt your body relax and sink into the comfortable bed. You glanced over at the door, making sure you had left it slightly open, so that when you blew out the candle the room wouldn't be completely dark. The pale light of the moon crept from the door, calming you down, and soon enough you fell into a deep slumber.

I hope you enjoyed this chappy! I hope the length of it made up for the pathetically short one before XD

Let me know what you think! I absolutely love reading your comments! <3 <3 I love you all so so much!

Stay tuned!

Chiyo xxx

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