Chapter 30 - Just Because

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I waited impatiently in the waiting room, tapping my fingers against the arm rest.  There were some other security guys here with me who had driven behind us after we left for the hospital.  Luckily, as a medic had informed we while we were in the back of the truck, Niall's injury was probably just an ankle break.  I wasn't so sure, though.  Niall really seemed to be in a lot of pain.  He could barely get off the stage with the help of Liam and Zayn.

Just then, my phone rung.

Dad:  Really great seeing you tonight.  Harry seems like a great guy.

I exhaled.  You lost one woman in your life . . . isn't at least one enough?  Aren't I enough?

Allie:  yeah

Dad:  Look, I understand that you'd be very upset with me, and I am very sorry for all the ways I've hurt you in the past seven months.  I really am.  I didn't know how to deal with the pain, and after your mother died, I needed some way to let out my frustrations.  You absolutely did not deserve that at all.  I am sorry.  

Allie:  thanks

Dad:  When Hilary came into my life, she turned things around for the better.  She put the purpose back into my life.  She made me happy, and I realized I needed her in my life so I could once again be the man I've always needed to be.  I know she's not mom, but she is an incredible woman, just like the both of you.

Leave it to Dad to send super long, fluffy texts that have absolutely no significance to me.  Even though he was trying to restore our relationship, I still felt a pain poking at my heart.  

"Ms. Watson, Mr. Horan is ready to see you now."  I nurse popped out from around the corner and smiled kindly at me, nodding.

I rose from my chair and smoothed my shirt as I started after the nurse down the hall.  When we arrived at Niall's room, I opened the door to find the blond boy laying in a hospital bed.

"Hey," I greeted, closing the door behind me.

Niall beamed and his eyes gleamed happily.

"How you feeling?"

"Ah, they said I broke my ankle in two places."

"Oh no."  I stepped toward Niall's bed and sat on the edge.  "How exactly did you do this?"

"I jumped and then landed on it weird."


He shrugged.  "It's not so bad."

"Says the boy who was whining that I come,"  I teased, chuckling.

His eyes widened.  "It was because the nurse was gay, okay?"  He insisted.

"Right," I jeered.  "So you say!"

"Hey, thank ya for coming."  Without his eyes leaving mine, he grazed his fingers along my skin until he found my hand and squeezed it tightly.

"No problem," I replied nonchalantly.  I tried to appear as if his touch didn't cause a swarm of butterflied to flutter wildly in my chest.

"So how's Harry treatin' ya?"

"Good," I nodded, averting my gaze from his.  Of all the things in this world, lying was one of the things I hated most.  It was even worse when you lied to someone who most likely had feelings for you.

He uttered nothing in return for quite some time, but then returned, "What's wrong?"

"Eh . . .."

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