Fred knew he can't escape if she used that tone. He sighed in defeat. Perci smirked at her obvious victory.

"It's about the ball,"

"What is it about it?" She knew he is not person who would take these kind of stuff seriously.

"Umm—Would y-you—" He mentally slapped himself for stuttering like this.

She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Would you like to go to the ball with me?" He blurted out before he could stop himself.

Whatever she had been thinking it wasn't this. She was just staring at him with her eyebrows raised.

Fred was sweating profusely. He was seeing everywhere but her eyes. He couldn't believe he had done it. He decided to apologize but Perci bet him before he could utter a word.


"What?!" Was he dreaming?

"Sure. I'll go to the ball with you"


"Really. For now goodnight!" She took her stuff and headed towards her dormitory not before smiling at Fred's extremely confused and surprised face.

Fred just sat there rooted to the spot can't believe she just said okay. After several minutes, he stood up and made his way to the dormitory to tell his waiting twin about this.

*time skip to the next day*

The next day classes were canceled after lunch. The gossips of who was going with whom was the main topic in school. Everyone were excited for the ball.

After lunch the Weasleys, Perci and Harry divided themselves into teams and played a heated snowball fight. That gathered a huge attention from others. The ones who didn't care about the ball much and even a few teachers played with them. Moral of the story : Never invite Professor Flitwick for a snowball fight.

Professor Flitwick enchanted the snowballs to follow the targets. None missed it's target. The only ones remaining were the troublemaker trio. They were an undefeated team. Moving as a hurricane, whatever touches them were mere dust.

Everyone returned to their dormitories just half an hour before the ball. The twins were wearing identical dress robes. Ron was mad. His dress robes was covered with laces and frills. The twins tackled this problem with magic. But poor Ron was clueless to that.

Perci entered the girls' dormitory noticing the girls getting ready for the ball for almost four hours. She went to her bed and sighed at the pink package on her mattress. She received it this morning from her Aunt Aphrodite. Knowing her she dreaded opening that package. She had to however. She slowly opened the package. Inside was a beautiful sea green dress starting from the top and slowly fading to white at the bottom. It went a little down her knees. The dress had three by fourth sleeves. She nodded in approval. It didn't have any frills or flashy stuff as she had expected.

She took a quick shower and changed into her dress. She wore the pearl earrings and necklace which was with the dress. She also wore a small plain platinum bracelet, a gift by her brother Triton.

She didn't even try to brush her hair as she knew that it will be useless. She changed Riptide into a hairpin. It was a sea green seashell shaped one. She tucked it on top of the small braid she made near her ear. She wore blue flats because never in hades she was wearing heels. There ready!

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