"I am your idiot!"

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Nico pov

Gah! Rehearsal dinners are sooo boring. I mean come on! So many people I have to talk too and be nice too. At least I didn't have to wear the tux.

*****Ding ding ding ding******

Piper tapped her glass with her spoon. As the maid of honor it was time for her speech. She stood up in a flowy turquoise dress. She looked so soft and sweet in the dress. A huge contrast to the dragon women who was breathing down everyone's neck to get the place ready.

"Good evening everyone I am Piper the maid of honor......."

BANG!!!!! The doors to the camp big house were thrown open and a wild eyed Will fell through.

There was a stunned silence. He went bright pink and gave a little wave to everyone. "Ahhh hi...... sorry to interrupt......... ummm this a hard place to find....... congrats Percy and Annabeth......." he was babbling.

Jason gave me a little shake. I realized I had frozen to the spot. Why is Will here? He should be in Sanfransisco.

"The flight was not too bad........" Will continued. okay I need to do something. I jumped out of my seat. I made my way way around the tables. I grabbed Will's hand pulled him outside on to the deck.

I didn't see Jason and Percy high five behind me.


"Will what are you doing here?" I asked. "I thought you were staying with your father." The guy looked so flustered.

"I was." He ran his fingers through his blonde curly hair. " But after talking to my Dad I realised that we needed to talk."

"It couldn't wait?" I asked.

"No!!" Will said firmly.

I looked back at the door we walked through. If I had too bet, my friends would be on the other side trying to hear. I grabbed Will's hand and pulled him down to beach. I felt like my nerves where setting up shop in stomach. What does he want that needs to be said so badly?

"Wow......this is beautiful." Will said. I turned and noticed him looking out to sea. I looked at him. With only the moonlight everything looked soft and grey. He looked tired...wistful ......cold.

I shrugged off my leather jacket. I held it out to him. He smiled softly and a little sadly. He took it. He always got cold. I always joked he was solar powered. We sat down on the sand and just sat in silence for while. So much had happened in such a short space of time.

Will pov

"Nico." I said softly. I couldn't hold it in any longer I couldn't stand the space between us.

"Yes." He replied keeping his eyes forward.

"I want to say somethings too you and I would appreciate it if you could let me get it all out before responding...... is ummm that okay." I could hear my voice shake.

He simply nodded. I took a deep breath.

"I am sorry Nico. I am so sorry." My voice seem to get stuck in my throat. "I am sorry for what happened with Bryce. I am sorry I broke up with you. I didn't know what was going on. I wish I could take it back." I wanted to reach out and hold him.... but I knew better. I pulled up my long legs to my chest and began rocking.

"I am sorry about the stuff with my Dad too. I am sorry you got hurt and I am sorry your Dad had to save us. I am sorry you had too......" I swallowed hard. "Shoot Bryce to save me." I couldn't stop the tears flowing down my face.

"I am grateful for everything you have done. I don't know what would of happened to me the last couple weeks without you." I flinched at those words. The thought had been hounting me.

"I wish I could rewind and do things differently but I can't. I wish that it hadn't been you that had too deal with all the consequences. But I can't change that and I am sorry for that too."

The hardest part was coming. My heart was about to break. "Most of all I am sorry I hurt you and I understand if you don't love me any more. You shouldn't have to stay with me out of responsibility or pitty....... you deserve so much better than me"

Nico finally looked at me with a look of utter disbelief. He actually looked angry. "Look if your angry at me...... I get....." I started.

Nico stood up quickly. He took a few steps away and stood there. His body tense and his fists clenched. He then turned and yelled at me "Are you insane!?"

I hastily stood up. "What?" I asked.

"You William bloody Solace have to be off your fucking rocket right now!" He said.

I was completely confused now. "I was just......" I spread my hands helplessly.

"I don't fucking love you? I am only staying with you out of responsibility?" He was gesturing wildly. "Mia stai pendendo per Ill culo?!"

"I don't know what that means!" I said exhasberated.

"After everything we have been through! After everything I have done. You think I don't love you? I shot a guy for you!!!!" He yelled.

"If you still love me then why are you being so distant? Why were trying to send me away?" I yelled back.

"Too protect you! Bryce knew where we lived! You where safer with your Mum."

I shook my head. "The safest place is with you!"

He scoffed at my words. "OH really! Why don't you ask my Ma and sister. See how that went for them!" His voice broke at the end.

"Nico....... this...... they...... none of it is your fault." I said softly.

"LIKE HELL IT ISN'T!!!!" He yelled. His body shaking. "I failed to protect them and I lost them and now I am failing to protect you! It feels the same too me" He sat down hard on the sand. "If you had...... I wouldn't of been able to live...." He began to sob in his hands.

I fell to my knees next to him and pulled him too me. He clung too me. "It's okay Angel. I am okay." He shook his head. I knelt in front of him, put hand on either side of his face so he would look at me. "You failed no-one! Do you understand me! I am alive because of you!"

I grabbed his hand and I placed it on my heart. "Feel that? I am alive. I am here. I am okay!" He seemed to calm a little. "You are the bravest, kindest, most loving man I know....... stop torturing yourself. There was nothing you could of done for your sister and Ma. You can't keep carrying their deaths. They wouldn't want that!" I took a moment to let that sink in. "And don't you dare take any blame for what has happened in the last few weeks. You are A freaking Hero! My hero! And I will remind you of that and that I love you everyday!"

I realised I may have assumed too much. I blushed and looked away embarressed. "That's if you still want me."

I felt his hand on my chin. He guided me back to look him in those deep drown eyes. He was looking at me like I was an idiot again. "Ofcaurse I still want you idiot!" He rolled his eyes.

I sighed in relief. I leaned closer. "As long as I am your idiot!" I smiled.

He shook his head with a smile that made my heart swell. "Shut up and kiss me sunshine!"

I did.

(One chapter left...... hope you all enjoyed the story)

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